What? (Part 6)

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//Chesters POV//

M: Yeah, and he said that he would have treated you way better-
P: Enough. Chester, let's go.
C: Wait, what?
P: I said, Let's go.
C: But-

I wanted to say something else, but I saw that Parker was.. mad? Was he mad at me? Did I do something wrong?

Parker grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the living room.

C: I'm sorry.
P: For what?
C: For Matthew, he's a complete dick whenever he is drunk.
P: Don't need to apologize. It's not ur fault he's like that.

After that, I saw Parker smiling at me. And I got a weird feeling.

I mean, he is literally so perfect. Beautiful black hair, beautiful brown eyes, tall, perfect body, everything about him is perfect.
I don't even know how a girl can even look at him and not fall in love?

P: Hey Ches?
C: Yeah?
P: Weird question, but are you still together with Matthew?
C: Oh, no. Why?
P: Well, when Zack asked you, you said yes.

The room went completely silent. I don't know what to say anymore. I mean, I could just tell him, but something inside me just tells me not to.

We then heard a crash from the hallway.
I was scared asf. Is Matthew doing all this? Or is there someone else in the house?

P: Go get a knife from the kitchen, and bring it to me.
C: A knife? Aren't you exaggerating? Maybe it's Matthew.
P: Just bring me a knife.
C: Ok...

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife from the drawer, and quickly ran towards Parker so I could give him the knife.

P: Ok, now get behind me.
C: Why tf should I do that?
P: Chester.
C: Fine, fine.

As I got behind Parker, I heard something crash again. It sounded like glass or something.
We got closer to the sound, just to see Matthew breaking empty beer bottles.

C: Now, was the knife necessary?
P: Oh, shut up.

I saw Matthew looking at me, holding a beer bottle in hand. Looking furious.

M: Why would you choose that bastard over me? I could have given you everything you wanted! But you chose that idiot.
P: What the fuck are you saying?
What could you have given him!? Traumas?! Shut the fuck up, Matthew.

I just stayed silent. I didn't know what to say.

I saw Matthew getting angrier every second. Holding the bottle even harder than he was holding it. I was scared that he was gonna throw it right at Parker.

C: C'mon, Parker, let's go.
M: Oh, you are not going anywhere with him.
C: Uhm... Why?
M: Because i
said so.
P: But who tf are you to tell him what to do?

Silents filled the room. Now, both Matthew and Parker looked furious.

I grabbed Parker's wrist and dragged him out of the room, hearing Matthew swearing like crazy.

P: Oml, how annoying can he get?
C: More annoying, for sure.
P: Great.

-Time skip-

//Parkers POV//

I decided to look through emails,  haven't done that in a while. Surprisingly, a found a pretty interesting one. It says:

Hello Parker and Chester. My name is Ryan, and I'm 18 years old, and I live with my family, but recently, my mom and siblings have gone missing. And I was left alone with my father, Marcus. But since then, he has been acting weird, at night i
hear a strange sound coming from his room and later on screams, we were so close but now we're like strangers in the same house. I need your help, please help me.

After I read that, I called Chester.

P: Chester! Come here for a second
C: Ok!

After a minute or two, Chester finally came downstairs.

C: What do you want dude?
P: I found a pretty interesting email.

//Chesters POV//

Of course, an email. From who? I bet it's a girl.

Parker handed me the laptop and I was super surprised to see it was from a guy.

After I read that, I didn't feel really scared, I mean, it's the same as all of them. Nothing different.

P: So what do you say?
C: Yeah, sure, let's go.

After that, I exited the living room and entered the kitchen. 
I decided to make food for me and Parker.

C: Parker! What do you want to eat?
P: Pasta, please!
C: Ok!

I started making the food for me and Parker.

-Time skip- (it's 7 pm)

I was finally done making our food. I put the pasta on 2 plates and put them on the table.

C: Parker! Come eat.

Parker immediately entered the kitchen after I said that.

C: Hope you like them.
P: They taste amazing, thank you. Oh and, we are gonna go tomorrow night to Ryan's place.
C: Ok.

After that, we sat down and ate, talking about random stuff, laughing, and so on.

//Parker POV//

We finally finished eating and i grabbed both of our plates and put the in the sink, i was gonna wash them later.

Hii! Sorry for not posting, but here is another chapter 4 u guys

872 words

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