where am i? (part 33)

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//Parker's POV//

P: Tell me, where is he, you-!

As i wanted to say something else, i felt a cloth over my mouth

Kacy: i told you we chose the wrong people.

after she said that, everything went black.

//Chester's POV//

Now, im in another room, but now im not tied up anymore.

i slowly got up from my chair and started to look around, but i couldn't really see anything since it was pitch black.

as i was walking, i triped over a cable that set of some kind of alarm.

i started looking around frantically.
after 2 minutes or so, the alarm went off. i was still shaken a little.

as i heard the door open, i sat back down on the chair, pretending to still be asleep.

the sound of footsteps were heard around me.

then murmuring was heard.

i felt something getting put over my mouth, like a cloth or something.

after that, i was picked up and carried into another room.

as we exited the room, mumbles were heard all around me.
we were walking down a corridor, i think. then, there was heard a scream.

whoever was carrying me dropped me to the floor, i felt people run around me.
Someone even triped over me, but anyway.

when everyone left. i slowly opened my eyes.

i was right. it was a corridor with white walls. at the end was a door, and the door was slightly opened.

i looked around before getting up to walk towards the door. it was clear.

i got up and started walking toward the door.

//Parkers POV//

i woke up, tied to a chair

clearly, who tied me up, had no idea what they were doing. I easily got out of that ropes grip.

i got up and looked around the room. there were a lot of drawers filled with some kind of documents or files.

i grabbed 2 files and sat down on a chair.

i opened the first one.

"experiment number 109"

under the name, there was a photo of a man. and next to the photo were details about him.

"name:Mark Pullman
moms status: dead
father status: unknown
his/her status: ?. "

and a lot of other information about that guy

i stared in deep shock at that paper.

there were photos of him before the "surgery," but there wasn't any after.

i closed the document in pure disgust.

i opened the other one, stunned to see my photo.

"Experiment numer 209"

i stared in disbelief at the paper.

"name: Parker Hajiaskari
age: 26
mother status: unknown
father status: unknown
his/her status: ..."

i closed the file and put it back inside the drawer, scrared out of my mind.

there was a desk next to the drawer that had 1 file on it.

A dream ☆ (Parkster)Where stories live. Discover now