Chapter 4

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The butterflies persisted to flutter around my stomach, but I'd much rather have butterflies than angry creatures eating away at my stomach causing anxiety.

This boy was addictive. I couldn't stop talking to him. No matter how hard I tried to get the words 'I need to go home' out of my mouth, they just wouldn't. Something about him soothed the pain in my stomach like a medicine, my hoarse throat had calmed and my headache was pounding less and less as the time went on.

"Brooklyn" he said.

It took me a good twenty seconds to realise he was introducing himself to me.

"Freya" I replied, but my name didn't remind me of myself anymore, almost as if I had outgrown it. I checked the time :


5 missed calls:





i kept thinking how much I needed to go home.

"I need to go" we both said at the same time, laughing as we realised what we'd just done.

"Let me walk you home," he offered.

"Okay," I smiled a little again. But then it vanished. my eyes were red and puffy from crying, and My hair was probably resembling something of a birds nest in my head. What if he didn't want to walk me home when he saw me? I started to panic, but then it was too late. We were out in the open.

Surprisingly, even though it was 11 pm, the sky was still clinging onto the last bit of sunlight Of the day. I look at the boy. I breathed in his smell as the wind gushed around us. Wow. I loved everything about him. It took me a while to realise he was doing the exact same thing to me.

"You're even more beautiful than how I imagined you to be," he said.  His smile broadened as I smiled back. Never had I met such a wonderful human being. We linked arms and I lead us in the direction of my house.

heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now