Chapter 22

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TGI's was perfect. My life had become a little more perfect every day since things had patched up with Brooklyn. "We're five minutes away guys." said the cab driver as we turned a corner. Brooklyn and I looked at each other with pure excitement. Brooklyn pulled out his map of the Coachella 'venue' as we sped down the road and through a fancy-looking gate. I had been wanting to come to coachella ever since I was 12, and I hadn't stopped talking about it since I had found out about it.

"Did you wanna stop off at the hotel first? Drop off our bags and then head over?" Brooklyn asked.

"That sounds good." I said.

The cab driver took a sharp right turn and pulled into another fancy looking driveway. I recognised it straight away, the gate way to heaven; aka. the gateway to Riviera Palm Springs Resort! I squealed with excitement. Brooklyn hugged me, "The last surprise of the day."

When Brooklyn had said we were staying in a hotel I hadn't expected the RIVIERA PALM SPRINGS RESORT!1! A massive smile had been plastered all over my face, and i had a feeling that it wouldn't leave for the whole week.

The suite was beyond my imagination, I could only imagine how much it must have cost Brooklyn. My eyes were open in awe as I looked around, my mouth was opening and closing, but nothing came out, I felt a bit stupid, but that didn't matter.

"Do you like it?" He asked, twiddling his thumbs nervously.

"No, Brooklyn, I LOOVVE ITTT!" I squealed as i ran up and hugged/ rugby tackled him, knocking him over. I just smirked and kissed him, This was the best day of my life!

We got up and sat on the bed. "So, we can either quickly run down to the field now and check everything out, or spend the night in, and have a movie night or something." He said.

"How about we head down and check it out, I don't know if I can see another movie today." I laughed, my eyes were still sore from the movie marathon.

"Sounds like a plan." Said Brooklyn, sounding exactly like my mum. I laughed at him.

The sun was just going down as we reached the field. It was huge! I took Brooklyn's hand, afraid of loosing him. People were staring, taking 'sneaky' photos and videos. I just smiled the whole time, trying to look my best after a 12 hour flight, trust me- it was hard! It was when people started getting really close that I started getting panicky. I squeezed Brooklyn's hand so tight my knuckles went white and my ugly nails left marks in his hand. He didn't seem to complain for one second though, and he just squeezed back, not as hard as I squeezed him, but he just reassured me he was there.

We reached the que for the wheel and dayum it was long- we're talking an hour for the infamous 'Coachella Wheel'. Brooklyn was fumbling around in his pocket for something; assuming he was looking for money I offered to pay, only to be told "That's not it."

"Okay Beckham- calm yourself." I joked, nudging his arm, hoping to calm him down for a second.

"Hahah! found it!" he exclaimed, pulling out two tickets for something, as I looked up, I saw the letters V.I.P. on. I smiled, not getting my hopes up too high.

Before I knew what was happening Brooklyn had grabbed my arm and we were half running- half flying down the que.

"Brooklyn what are you doing?!" I shouted, the wind whirring in my ears, we were running really fast. We stopped at the source of the que and Brooklyn handed the tickets to the dude controlling the wheel. The man waved us on the the next carriage- all by ourselves may i add- no one interrupting our special ride.

"Brooklyn Joseph Beckham- what is the meaning of this?!" I interrogated.

"Ouch. The full name."

"I'm serious Brooklyn, what just happened down there?" I said, pointing at the ground, which was a lot further down than i thought.

"Just a little something."

"And what happened to the 'last surprise of the day' attitude?" I said, mimicking his voice jokingly.

"A little gift to show you how much I love you." He replied with a smile on his face.

"Weeeelll, I guess I've already accepted." I smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"V.I.P. tickets, and thats all I get?" He teased.

"So this is how we're going to play this then?" I laughed, grabbing the collar of his top and pulling him in for a proper kiss.

He slid me into his lap and to be honest i didn't get to enjoy much of the Coachella View because Brooklyn was in my way.

It got to the end of the round, and Brooklyn carried me out off the carriage, only bashing my head once (new record!)

We walked around, play fighting on the grass, buying each other candy floss, just having fun.

The sun had set on our first day at Coachella.

heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now