Chapter 12

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The day of the movie premier had arrived and I was really nervous. What was I going to wear? Of course there was only one person who could help me.

"Muuuuuuuuum!" I shouted down the stairs, hoping she would hear.

"Yes Freya?" She shouted back.

"Please can you help me?" I asked a little more quietly as I heard her coming up the stairs.

"With what?" She asked as she walked into my room.

"Brooklyn's invited me to this movie premier and it's today - what should I wear?" I panicked.

"Sweetie, none of this is going to work." She laughed. I thought she might say that. All of my clothes consisted of jeans and flannels.

"Would you like to borrow something of mine?" She asked, still laughing.

"Yes please!" I started laughing as well.

In the end I settled for one of mum's bright blue above the knee dresses.

"Stunning!" She smiled, there were tears in her eyes.

"You okay mum?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm just so proud of you." She smiled sadly.

"Why?" I asked, slightly puzzled by her tears.

"Well, in the space of three months, you've managed to get yourself the most polite and gorgeous Beckham boy as a boyfriend, you're keeping up your grades, and keeping a smile on your face." She smiled wiping the tears from her eyes.

"What do you mean by the last one?" I asked as I hugged her.

"I saw your Instagram notifications." Said my mum, looking really sorry for me. Her and I had made this trust agreement when I was 12 that she could check my social media accounts once a month. Of course I thought we had stopped that years ago, but apparently not. For some reason though, I wasn't angry.

All I could say was "oh."

"Sweetie, I'm just so proud that you still want to go out there on the red carpet and show everyone you're not afraid."

I laughed. My mum knew everything that went on in my head. I hugged her and said. "I've had practice dealing with hate, you know that." When I was younger I had a lot of trouble at school with mean girls and social media, and my mum was always there to give me a hug. I checked my watch. It was 7:45, I had 15 minutes until Brooklyn came to pick me up, so I redid my mascara and packed my clutch bag with my phone, oyster and £10.


That stupid doorbell again. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I ran downstairs to greet Brooklyn. I opened the door and his jaw dropped. "You look beautiful!" He smiled as I hugged him. He looked pretty amazing too. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with a navy blazer and dark jeans. The Beckham Range Rover was parked behind him. I hugged my mum goodbye and headed out. "Brooklyn are you driving us yourself?" I asked laughing as I noticed that no one was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Yep." He smiled excitedly. I couldn't exactly say no to that smile.

"But we're only 16!" I said, utterly confused.

"There are certain perks of being a Beckham." He smiled as he flashed his pink driving licence towards me.

"Ah okay. Let's go then smarty pants." I laughed as we hopped in and did up our seat belts.

"Everyone got their seat belts on?" Asked Brooklyn mockingly as he started the engine.

"Yes captain" I laughed as he pulled out of the tight parking space.

After about 10 minutes I realised he was actually a pretty good driver.

"Where did you learn to drive like this?" I asked

He just tapped his nose. "That is for me to know and for you to find out" he smirked.

I laughed at his reply. It was cute.

We cruised through the town and into Leicester Square. Already the paparazzi were snapping away as we rolled down the street and into a car park.

"We're half an hour early," said Brooklyn as he pulled the handbrake. "What would you like to do?"

"What do you suggest?" I asked smiling.

"M&M world?" he asked, knowing that there was no chance I could say no to that.

"M&M world it is!" i laughed, unclipping my seatbelt.

"Okay but you know there's going to be a lot of paparazzi, so you've just got to keep your head down, never stop for anyone and never let go of my hand." He smirked as he said the last one.

"Okay." I replied, taking his hand.

We hopped out and headed up to M&M World.

As a child, I was lucky enough to have a mum who took me to central London very often, so i knew my way around pretty well. Of course my anxiety kicked in again and my stomach started aching again. I stopped Brooklyn and we hid around the corner for a second while I took a few deep breaths.

"You okay?" He asked, looking worried. "We can always go back." he said as he took my hand and hugged me.

"No! It's fine let me just take a few deep breaths and we can keep going."

"Okay, but just tell me and we can go straight home, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled as I kissed his cheek. "Lets go."

We turned the corner to be greeted by a swarm of flashes, going off one by one, and shouts of:

"Brooklyn, is Freya your official girlfriend?" or "Freya, how are you finding life as an honorary Beckham?"

We just took each other's hands and walked on smiling.


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heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now