Chapter 21

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The flight to LA was perfection. Everything about it was great. I found an anxiety medicine at the airport and took about 50 drops of it, but I was having a great time. We boarded the fight, getting some strange looks, and took our places at the back and we were ready for take off. Brooklyn had bought us some films to watch on the 12 hour flight. I flicked through, there was loads- he literally had everything covered. I texted my mum just as we took off, letting her know that it was all good, I was really surprised that she actually let us go! She never would have, I guess Brooklyn's trustworthy.

We were in the air, the flight had started an hour ago but it felt like a year ago. Only 11 more hours left. Brooklyn was asleep, so I plugged my headphones in and turned my music up loud, hoping to fall asleep too. Of course, having my luck, I didn't fall asleep, which was okay I guess because I still had 10 hours and 50 minutes. I slotted a random film into the screen in front of me and started watching it, to my surprise it was Pitch Perfect 2 - i swear that wasn't released until like next year?! But then I remembered my boyfriend was Brooklyn Beckham and I realised how stupid I had been. It was actually pretty good and it felt extra good to be like the first person to see it. It was coming towards the end of the movie when Brooklyn woke up. "Hey there sleeping beauty." I giggled.

"Oh hey." He said in his husky voice, cuddling me in his blanket.

"Wanna watch something?" he asked, pointing at the screen in front of him.

"Sure." I said.

"Okayyyy, we have: Fast & Furious 7, Tomorrowland, Spy, Insurgent, Sppongebob the movie or the Age Of Adaline."

"Wow, um... shall we just watch them all in order? Movie marathon?" I asked.

"Bring it on." He laughed.

We lifted up the armrest and Brooklyn embraced me in his blanket, the 10 hours and 45 minutes would go a lot faster this way.

10 Hours and 45 Minutes later...

Woohoo! A massive cheer came from the whole plane as we finally landed and were allowed to take off our seat belts. My legs felt crooked as we walked down the stairs and off the plane. Brooklyn still had his arm around me, as we walked through the airport to find out taxi. Of course, it was there. We got in the cab and he already had our luggage tucked away in the boot.

I had been to America a few times, but definitely not as many as Brooklyn had, his parents used to come here all the time, in fact, as a kid he used to go to school here for quite a while.
"I'm quite hungry, shall we grab something to eat now or when we at there?"
"Up to you." I replied.
"Okay, taxi, please could you take us to TGI Fridays?"
Brooklyn smirked at me as we pulled out,
"How do you know that's my favourite diner?!" I giggled as we sped down the road.
"You only talk about it non stop." he laughed, kissing me on the cheek

heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now