Chapter 25

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Brooklyn woke up just as I was logging off the computer.

"Hey there sleeping beauty." I laughed as he rubbed his eyes, confused.

"Oh hi." He said sleepily

I put my laptop on the side and he slid over to put his head on my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair, bending down to kiss his forehead.

"Freya," He said, sitting up quite suddenly. "Um, I'm really sorry, but I just remembered it's our anniversary tomorrow, and I know it's a typical guy thing of me to only just remember, but it's been a pretty busy couple of months. Please forgive me." He looked so nervous, scratching the back of his neck.

I just smiled at him and kissed him. "I couldn't have put it better myself." I said, just as he put his arm around my neck and kissed me back.

"Let's go out to Coachella tonight, AC-DC are playing, and I know you'd like that." I smiled, pulling away from his grasp gently.

"I love you so much." He replied

✤ At Coachella✤

The que to get into the arena was ridiculous, but it was worth the wait. The way Brooklyn's face lit up as I took his hand and we pushed to the front was priceless. He was enjoying himself so much, I was so glad I wasn't tired anymore. Everything about it was perfect.

They weren't really my kind of artists, but the way that Brooklyn was enjoying it made my day. I just stood there watching him, dancing along to the few songs that I knew. Brooklyn seemed to be in some kind of trance, smiling and dancing. He'd occasionally take my hand, spinning and spinning me round and round; unaware of everyone around us.

I took this opportunity to take some good pictures of him and us together, and videos of the stage, so that he could remember how happy he was at this moment forever.

The show seemed to go on for an eternity, after every song finished, they played a new one. I used the time to text my mum, text Victoria (just assuming Brooklyn hadn't taken the time to- I was right.) and take more photos and videos. The lighting was perfect in the arena, it even made my iPhone 5 quality look amazing. (Don't be fooled, it is beyond terrible.)

Brooklyn was totally unaware that I was taking photos, and it made him look even better. I walked up to hug him, breaking him out of his trance. It was just then that I realised he stank of alcohol. I had no idea how he got to drink some without me seeing, I was here the whole time.

"Heeeeyyy." He said, I now understood the trance.

"Um hey, did you want to head back? It's getting quite late." I said, trying not to sound too much like the responsible one.

"but frreeeyyaaaa." He whined, pulling his puppy eyes.

"That's not gonna work on me, Beckham." I said, grabbing his waist to support him.

"okaaayyy." He said drowsily.

We pushed our way through the endless crowd, Brooklyn tripping over every 30 seconds.

"Let's play a game." I said.

"Ooooh what kind of game? iSpy?" He asked, giggling as he said it.

"How about.... who can walk in a straight line for the longest. 1, 2, 3... GO!" I yelled, pretending to make a big deal out of balancing, even though I was 100% sober.

"But freyaaa, that's a rubbish game!" He said, even though he was playing along- mainly to catch up with me.

"How about we head down the the drinks tent and get you some water?" I said, sounding like I was some kind of primary school teacher, trying to sell the idea of maths to kids.

"Can I get some beer instead?" He said, his words slurring almost beyond comprehension.

"No! Why would you even ask me that?" I said.

"well why not?"

"How much have you had to drink already?"

"Just two cups." He said, looking so innocent.

"Have you ever drank before?"

He looked at me as if I had just asked him if he had ever been to the moon.


"that explains it... " I said, picking up one of the plastic pint glasses.

I looked at the cashier.

"Um, can I have two glasses of tap water?"

"Yeah sure sweetie." said the cashier, winking at me.

Brooklyn literally saw red. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

"what mate?"


"Okay Brooklyn. Calm down. Can we just get that water please?" I snapped at the guy.

Brooklyn was clenching his fists now. "No Freya, it's fine. I can do without water" Said Brooklyn, taking my hands and walking off.

"Brooklyn, are you okay?" I asked, not forgetting he was totally drunk.

"I hate that guy." I said, his teeth gritted.

"Come on, lets get you home."

"mkay." He said, his voice muffled because he way burying his face on my shoulder.

I kissed the side of his head.

"I wouldn't be worrying about me leaving you any time soon. If I were you."

I said as we turned the corner into the resort.

"okay." He said, obviously tired.

We walked into the suite and I sat Brooklyn down on the sofa, making sure he was okay. "Let me get you some water, don't move, I'm just here." I said.

"Please don't tell my mum." he said, almost falling asleep.

"Don't worry, why don't we talk about it in the morning?" I said, handing him the water.

He drank half of it, spilling the other half down his white top with a donut on it.

"Let's go to bed." I said, pulling him off the sofa and taking him to the room. "Why don't you put your pyjamas on, and I'll wait out here."


10 minutes later there was total silence from Brooklyn, and I was starting to get worried. "Brooklyn? Brook- are you okay?" I said, barging into the room.

He was fast asleep in the middle of the bed, still in his clothes. he looked so tired, so I covered him in the covers and grabbed my stuff. I took my MacBook Air, my pyjamas and my phone, closing the door behind me. I decided to sleep on the sofa instead of disturbing Brooklyn. I wasn't quite tired, so I added the photos of us at AC-DC to the massive collage. It looked really good.

I put on my pyjamas, got everything ready for tomorrow; headache pill, water, and things to make breakfast with when Brooklyn woke up tomorrow.

It was a shame that he was going to have a headache on our anniversary, but a few headache pills would do the trick.

heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now