Chapter 15

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Brooklyn had gone and I had to revise for my exams in a couple of month's time.

It was only then that I had the time to actually check my phone for the first time in a few days. My notifications had been blown up with hate. I had gained 2k followers and for once that wasn't a good thing. I switched to twitter and my heart pounded again. the same. I sat down on my bed, shaking uncontrollably.

'lol she looks like a potato'


'you disgust me'

'get off my boyf'

My eyes filled with tears as I scrolled through. My stomach heaved and I thought I was going to be sick. They kept rolling through, one after the other. My whole body trembled as I dropped my phone and ran downstairs. There was no one there. I didn't want to disturb Brooklyn. I locked myself in the bathroom, crying and crying. I took heavy breaths through my sobs, my phone vibrating with hate message after hate message. I sat there, my face puffy from crying. What was i going to do? It was all getting too much. I texted Brooklyn

-This can't go on anymore, sorry.

But before I got to press send I could hear the front door opening and panicked footsteps running up the stairs. Brooklyn was pounding on the bathroom door.

"Freya!!! Are you okay?! Freya! Answer me! Please tell me you're okay."

"yes?" My voice was shaky, it didn't sound anything like myself

"Unlock the door princess." he said calmly.

"o-okay" I got up, my knees about to give way, and unlocked the door. The second I saw Brooklyn my knees buckled and I sat on the floor, sobbing.

"hey, hey. Shhhhhh. I'm here now." whispered Brooklyn as he pulled me onto his lap. I sobbed into his chest, leaving tear stains on his black t-shirt.

"Everyone-hates-me." I said between tears. "Even some of my friends were commenting hate." I cried.

"It's okay. I'll show you how to stop it." He whispered, as he reached for my phone on the floor next to him. I remembered the unsent text and tried to get it off him, but it was too late. My heart exploded as I sat there, hoping he wouldn't be mad.

"Brooklyn, you don't understand-" I started to say, but it was too late.

"I understand perfectly." He said, a stern look set into his face as he got up.

Tears fell rapidly down my face as I watched him walk out. I should have reacted faster, run after him, stopped him - but it was to late, he was gone, and my heart was broken.

'The only thing a boyfriend was good for was a shattered heart.'

heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now