Chapter 28

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6 years later...

Freya's POV

"Freya! Hurry up!" Shouted Brooklyn as I woke up.

This was our 7th year at Coachella together and every year it had fallen upon our anniversary; this year was no different.

I was so excited for today. I just had a feeling that something great was going to happen.

"Hello." said Brooklyn as he came in and kissed my forehead.

"Hello." I smiled.

He put his arm around me and lay there next to me.

"Ready for our last day of Coachella?" He asked, a smile covering his face.

"Yep. I'll get dressed." I said, pulling out the outfit I had picked out yesterday.

"Alright. Meet me outside here in 10 minutes." he said before leaving and letting me get dressed.

I decided to wear something nice, so I put on my denim shorts, American apparel crop top and a light cardigan. I didn't bother with make up, left my hair down straight and washed my face and teeth. By the time I was done, it was 10:30 and Brooklyn was standing outside the door. He grabbed the keys and off we went.

Brooklyn's POV

Today was going to be perfect, the best day of our lives- no doubt about it.

I stood, waiting for her outside our room. When she finally some out she looked gorgeous. It was then that I started to feel scared. My palms were so sweaty that I struggled to hold her hand. She looked at me, and i felt calmer straight away, but even then, my heart was racing. We walked onto the Coachella field, and everything which had seemed so familiar before was now totally new to me. I pulled out my phone to text my mum. 'Are you here yet?'

I hadn't told Freya about my master plan yet and I was really nervous about her reaction. I had called my family and Freya's to come today and be with us, I was quite scared about how she would react. It was also quite exciting, I thought it was only fair that both of our families were here, but I had only found out that Romeo and Maia (Freya's sister) were dating last week. Freya and I had both fallen off our chairs laughing- they were so alike I'm surprised they didn't start dating earlier. I needed to make sure they wouldn't take the limelight away from Freya and I, just for today.

Romeo and Maia were both 18 years old now, and Freya and I were in our twenties. My phone vibrated in my pocket. 'We're by the wheel sweetie x so proud of you two and v excited. PS we're with Freya's family too.

-mum x'

Incase you hadn't guessed already, I was going to propose to Freya.

Freya's POV

I gripped his sweaty hand really tight, and closed my eyes. My stomach had been inhabited by butterflies ever since this morning and for some reason I couldn't stop shaking.

Brooklyn got a text from someone, and I wasn't sure who, but we just kept proceeding to the wheel, for one last time this year.

As we got to the que Brooklyn took out his VIP pass and lead me along the line, where some people I thought I recognised were getting on the carriage in front of us. Just as the barrier closed on them, I saw it was Romeo, Maia, my mum and Victoria... WHAT?!

I looked at Brooklyn, who looked down at me and smiled and winked, before we got on to the wheel. As I got in I looked down and saw David, Cruz and Harper getting in the carriage to the left of us, and the girls were in the one before us. As we reached the top, I smiled as I remembered the first year Brookyln and I had come here, and all the lovely things he had done for me in the past on this very wheel. As I snapped back into reality, I saw Brookyln getting something out of his pocket, and then... GETTING DOWN ON ONE KNEE?! My heart nearly exploded as he looked at me with tears in his eyes,

"Freya, from the first time I met you, seven years ago, my heart hasn't stopped beating for you, my brain hasn't stopped thinking about you, and my love for you hasn't stopped loving."

By now even my eyes were swimming in tears.

"I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn't have met you, and I don't ever want to know what it would have been like.

So Freya, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?"

Everyone was crying and videoing.

"Of course I will!" I cried, pulling him up and hugging him so tight. He slid the beautiful ring onto my finger, i'd never seen anything more beautiful.

I looked at him with so much love, and I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life without him. Both families clapped, and as we reached the ground, everyone in the crowd were clapping, screaming and videoing. My mum and Victoria both came running up to me, and hugged me. David hugged Brooklyn and harper came running up to me, and squealed "Freya's my sister!"

I lifted her up and spun her round and round, I was so happy at that moment.

Maia and Romeo came and hugged me and congratulated me, before Brookyln came over, and picked me up, carrying me in his arms, and kissing me until I couldn't breathe.

Brooklyn's POV

I was so happy, everyone was so happy, everything was perfect. And it would stay like this forever. I would hold her hand when they were sweaty, I would look after her when she had panic attacks and I would kiss her when she had nose bleeds, and I would be the best husband she could ever ask for.

heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now