Chapter 18

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We sat down in 'the hideout'. It had been a fast walk to get there, I could just tell there was something he wasn't telling me.

"So whats up?" I asked, trying to sound as chilled as I could.

"Ummmm... this is a lot harder than I imagined it to be." He replied, rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"I know, but if you don't tell me I can't help you, and it sounds important." I replied, trying to be the wise one in the conversation.

"Okay, well umm," He hesitated "I got dropped from Arsenal under 16s and I'm really scared my parents are going to be disappointed and it will get leaked all over the press." He blurted out.

"aww Brooklyn, when did you find out?" i asked, desperately trying to keep him calm.

"Yesterday, but I didn't have the courage to call you because of everything that happened." He looked on the verge of tears.

"Brooklyn, you know you can always come and talk to me about anything, whether we're arguing or not. You're like a best friend to me." I replied, putting my arms around him.

He hugged me back and leant his head on my shoulder, it was pitch black inside the 'hideout' so it was okay. I smiled to myself as I stroked the side of his head.

"What should i do?" he asked.

"Well, I'm not a therapist, but my advice is to just be honest with your parents, that way, if it does get leaked by someone, your parents will know how to handle it. Plus, to be honest, they'll probably take you back next season anyway. From what I've seen, you're pretty amazing at football, you have a gift, just think of all the other teams that you're available to now!" I said, really trying to lighten the mood.

"Have you ever considered a career in therapy?" he asked, laughing a bit. We laughed together.

"Ha no, but I would like to be a lawyer." I giggled and we sat, leaning against each other.

"I think you'd make a great lawyer." he said. We both yawned and decided togo home, on our way we passed Starbucks. "Fancy One?" I asked

"I think it would be rude not to." He smiled.

we walked in and ordered our drinks. "Let me pay." said Brooklyn as he pulled out a ten pound note.

"Nope." I said, already giving the lady my fiver. "You payed last time." I smiled.

"Freyaaaa." He whined jokingly.

"Thank you." I exaggerated as I took the change from the lady.

"And your names are?..." she asked. I have absolutely NO idea why she did that because it was 11pm and we were the only ones in the shop.

"Um, Brooklyn and Freya." I said, looking at Brooklyn as we both laughed.

"Okay thanks, they'll be ready in a second."

Brooklyn and I walked over to where the smooth wooden surface of the counted ended. "Thank you so much for your advice." Brooklyn said, as he leant in for another hug.

"Any time," i replied "You know that I'll always be here to listen."

"Thank you." he said, looking down at his shoes. I could see is palms glistening in the light. I took out my anxiety medicine and slipped it into his hand, he read the bottle carefully before looking up at me and smiling.

"Freya and Brooklyn?" the woman asked, looking around like we weren't the only ones in the shop.

"Here." I smiled as she bought over the drinks, I swear she was crazy. I picked up two straws and handed one to Brooklyn before dusting my coffee with cinnamon. We headed out of the shop and back down the road, in the direction of 'Beckingham Palace'. We reached his house and stopped at the gate.

"Thanks again for everything." Brooklyn said as he turned around. I must admit, I was a bit upset that I didn't get a kiss, I stood there, watching him close the door behind him, and even when he was inside, I stood outside, staring at the closed door. I'm guessing I looked like an idiot, but half if me was kind of hoping he would come running back outside. I was left in utter confusion as to what 'we were'. I turned and headed home, and just as I turned the corner I heard pounding footsteps from behind me. the rain was pouring down by now, I smiled as I turned to face Brooklyn. It felt a bit cliché but as I kissed him, I remembered a piece of writing I had written when I was about 8 or 9.
'My first kiss.' Of course this wasn't my first kiss but this very moment depicted exactly what I had been writing about. I couldn't remember exactly what it said, but something about kissing in the rain, with a boy that I really loved, and who really loved me, and we would have just been out for a date.
I smiled as we pulled away from each other.
"I love you." Was all he could say, before putting his arms around my neck.
"I love you too." I replied, wincing a but as I said, it all sounded a bit cheesy, but I guess this was the life I had always dreamed of as a child. It was finally coming to life.

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heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now