Chapter 8

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7:30 couldn't have rolled around slower. I started getting ready at 6:30 and by 7:05 I was ready to go. I was getting nervous jitters. For starters, I had no knowledge in Football, so that wasn't a great start, and second, I'd never even set foot in one of Victoria's stores, so i did a bit of googling just so i had a bit of conversation to make, and then i started thinking about it, what was i to Brooklyn? what was he going to introduce me to his family as? We had kissed, but did that mean anything or not? But my thoughts were interrupted by the door bell


I'd forgotten what kind of a noise our stupid doorbell made. I sprinted down the stairs to beat my sister to the door. I undid all the locks and smiled as i was greeted by Brooklyn's smile. "Fancy seeing you here" i joked, opening the door to invite him in. He stepped inside; "Hey you," he said, embracing me in his broad arms.

"You must be Brooklyn." the voice of my mother was always heard before she could been seen. He looked up.

"Hello Mrs George," Said Brooklyn, turning to hug my mum. She winked at me over his back. I chuckled quietly, what would I do without my mum?

"Where are you two kids going then?" she asked, desperately trying to be cool.

"Just over to my house, My parents have persistently been asking who Freya is and what she's like so i thought I'd go and show everyone how wonderful she is. I think my siblings are most excited to meet Freya."

"How lovely," replied my Mum. "Have a great time!" she said as she waved us out of the house.

"Brooklyn took my hand and we walked around the corner.

I had no idea we lived so close together.

"Well this is me," he said, repeating the exact words i said after I first met him with a smile

My eyes were wide, His house was MASSIVE! I was kind of nervous but i also just wanted to get inside and meet everyone. Meeting new people was one of the few things i didn't get too nervous about because i enjoyed it.

Brooklyn rang their doorbell which (of course) was so much nicer than ours.

Brooklyn squeezed my hand as if to let me know that I was going to be okay.

The slender figure of Victoria appeared in the doorway. She was gorgeous. Her fitted dress made her look so tall and slim.

I smiled a genuine smile. Usually, i had a fake smile prepared, but she seemed so loveable.

"Hello lovely," she said to Brooklyn."And you must be Freya!" she said, coming in to hug me.

"Hello Mrs Beckham," i said, hugging her back, even her perfume was perfect!

"The others are in the front room, why don't you head on through."

Brooklyn took me by the hand and lead me down the twisting hallway and into the third room on the left. I was greeted by big smiles from all around the room.

"So, Freya, this is my dad." said Brooklyn motioning to David.

"Hello Mr. Beckham," i said hugging him as he stood up.

"Please call me David. Same goes for Victoria." He smiled. "A pleasure to finally meet you!" he said, winking at Brooklyn.

"Hey dad," said Brooklyn, hugging his dad.

"This is Romeo, Cruz and Harper." Said Brooklyn pointing towards the couch in the far corner. I walked across the white carpet and hugged each of them.

"Hey Freya," said Romeo as he hugged me.

"Freya you're so pretty!" said cruz as I hugged him.

"Hahaha thank you!" I laughed "and you're so handsome!"

"Erm, cough cough." laughed Brooklyn, "If you're going to flirt with my 10 year old brother, at least do it when I'm not in the room!" he laughed.

"Hello Harper!" i said, i had always been good with little children.

"Hello Freya" she smiled. I had never seen a prettier 3 year old on my life.

She jumped onto me and hugged me. I lifted her up and hugged her back, smiling happily. My heart swelled with happiness and it just made everything fall into place.

Victoria came into the room, and smiled. "I see you've met everyone," she said.

"Yes, you're all so lovely!" I laughed.

"Okay, dinner's in five minutes," she said

"I'll come and help you set the table." I replied

"Thank you sweetie, Brooklyn come and help us." said Victoria.

"Okay mum. I'll be there in a second." he said, they were such a normal family!

I loved it.

While Victoria was stirring at the rice to go with the fish she had made I searched around for the cutlery.

"I'm really glad Brooklyn met you." She said, smiling at me.

"I'm glad I met him!" I said, "He's so amazing."

"He's so lovely around you, and you seem like such an amazing girl." she said.

Just then Brooklyn walked in. He hugged me and kissed my head.

"How are my two most favourite women getting on?" he asked walking over to give his mum a hug as well.

"I was just telling Freya how glad I am you two met."

I giggled slightly at the funny look he gave me.

"Dinner's ready!" shouted Victoria down the hall.

All three kids came running in to the dining room followed by David. They all took their places at the table and stated chatting.

"How was your day Cruz?" asked Victoria as she placed his plate down in front of him.

"Good thanks, i scored the winning goal in our match today!"

"Woah!" said David and Victoria in unison

David got up and walked over to the fridge, where he took a sticker from the side and put it under Cruz's name on a chart. I smiled, it reminded me of my family and our 'Grades at school' chart.

"How about you Romeo?" asked Victoria, trying to include all of her children.

"I got 98% on my maths exam at school. And I came 12th out of 70 on the annual cross country race at school today." he grinned.

"Wow thats so cool!" said Brooklyn, hugging his little brother. Romeo blushed and hugged him back.

"And how about you Harper?" asked David.

"I painted our family at nursery" said Harper.

"Did you bring it home to show us?" asked Cruz, obviously excited to see this painting of their family.

"Yeah, its in my bag." she said pointing down the hall where I'd seen the bags and coats hanging up.

"Did you want to go and get it?"


10 seconds later harper appeared again clutching an A3 piece of paper. It reminded me of my old school projects I did. She unrolled it and showed it to everyone. It actually looked amazing (for a 3 year old anyway).

"It's amazing!" said everyone. She smiled a really big smile and said,

"Soon i need to add Freya."
i laughed, assuming she was joking, but actually everyone nodded their heads.

This was great. I was now practially an honourary beckham

heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now