Chapter 19

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I couldn't breathe. The blood was dripping from my nose and my hands were cool and clammy. It was nearly time to go back to school, this happened every time. School was not my favourite, and now that I was entering my final year of secondary school, I was even more nervous. My 5th panic attack this year.

I lay back on my bed and tilted my chin upwards. I had been warned on numerous occasions not to do this, because the blood runs to your mouth, but I couldn't stand another second of seeing blood. I turned to take my phone from my bedside table but I couldn't pick it up; my hands were shaking like there was some kind of earthquake going on.

I grabbed my revision books, successfully using my hands this time and dropping them on my lap. I flicked through a couple of pages before cutting my finger on a page. Wow, well done me. Urgh.

I lay back on my bed, and just thought if I just lay there, I could do no harm.

A knock at the door had me clenching my fists, I was not in the mood.

"Yeeees." I groaned.

It was my sister.

"What." I scowled

"Can I use your phone?"

"Erm, let me think about it... NO" she was so irritating


"What happened to your phone?" I asked

"I dunno."

"What are you even going to use my phone for?"

"Mum said I can use it when I go out tonight."

"Where the hell are you going out to?! You're twelve."

"My friend's."

"No. I need my phone. Go find yours. And get out for gods sake."

"Aaaagghhhhh." she screeched as she slammed my door.

Crazy child.


I scrambled for my phone, almost falling off my bed in the process.

It was Brooklyn- thank god my sister hadn't taken my phone.

Brooklyn- "hey, hope you're okay. Thanks again for the other day, feeling a lot better now. My parents were totally fine with everything and they've already spoken to other teams about next season and all because of you. I'm really sorry about everything that happened before and I realised that you and I need each other, and I love you. PS when can I see you again?"

I was replying before I even finished reading.

Me- "Hey Brooklyn, glad to know everything is okay xx. Please don't be sorry about anything, it was mainly my fault 😂. Can we catch up tomorrow? I need help revising and a coffee. Xx meet me at Starbucks at 11?

Brooklyn- sounds perfect xx see you then.

I was so tired. I struggled to get up in time to see Brooklyn. Oh god. It was 10:30 as I looked in the mirror, ouch.

I cringed at the sight of myself, blood all down my nose, tear stains causing my cheeks and eyes to be red and puffy, and a face infested with acne. Perfect for my date with Brooklyn Beckham. I laughed a bit to myself as I got dressed and applied a tiny bit of make up in an attempt to look 0.1% better than usual. Of course, it didn't work.

"Hey." said Brooklyn, as he came to give me a hug.

"Hey." I said, kissing his cheek.

"Shall I grab us a drink?" he asked, getting up. "you got them last time." he smirked, imitating me last time we came here at 11pm.

"Are you sure?" I asked, not wanting to be rude by forcing him to buy me a drink.

"Of course I am, what would you like?"

I quickly scanned the menu above the counter. "Mango and Passion fruit frappuccino please, let me give you the money." i said as i reached inside my black shoulder bag and went to get my purse.

"Am I not even allowed to treat you?" he asked.

"But Brooklyn!" I protested but it was too late, he had already gone to the counter.

He looked deep in conversation with the barista, as he handed Brooklyn a cup and a sharpie pen, this was odd. I just grabbed my science revision book and flicked through, deliberately skipping the page with all the blood on; any reminder of last night was not welcome right now. I was studying some chemical equations when Brooklyn set my cup next to me, I picked it up, and before taking a sip, read the side, it said:

'you are very beautiful, enjoy your day :)'

I smiled and got up to give him a kiss, he was so sweet!

"Thank you." I said.

"It's only the truth."

heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now