Chapter 13

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After filling ourselves up on M&Ms and laughing non-stop, we headed to the cinema. My heart started racing as we stepped onto the red carpet. We weren't even meant to be there but we walked down anyway, and took our seats in the front row.

The movie was 'The Imitation Game' and it was pretty good to be honest. At the scary parts Brooklyn cuddled up to me. I could tell all eyes were on us, but we carried on anyway. The movie was over and we waited for everyone to file out of the cinema before leaving,

"That was really good, thank you for taking me." I smiled as we walked out of the cinema.

"It was my pleasure!" he smiled as he took my hands. As we stepped outside and my skin immediately erupted in goosebumps and I started shaking. Brooklyn took one look at me and took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. I smiled up at him. I was so thankful to know him right then, he leant down to kiss me. We walked down the road with his arm around me and me cuddling him. "I don't want to go home." I smiled as we walked down the street, our breath visible from the cold.

"We don't have to go home." he said.

"Okay." I answered.

We got in the car and just sat there. I wasn't bored, I loved this. Brooklyn started the engine and I started to panic.

"You know I was serious when I said I didn't want to go home." I laughed.

"Yep. That's why we're going to drive until you want to" he smiled, pulling out of the car park and onto the road.

"Brooklyn that's so sweet." I smiled as we turned a corner.

"You're my angel, and I would do anything for you." he took my hand.

We drove and drove, stopping off for coffees when we needed them. We laughed and talked until our faces hurt, but that didn't stop us - It was the ultimate love story.

heart beats and sweaty palms☯ Brooklyn BeckhamWhere stories live. Discover now