a murder with colour

368 9 23

Requested by @thatonedrep

"throw it!" was the statement that started this whole chain of events

1-A was in the mall once more

But some of the students who had recently bought a ball decided it would be fun to mess with it indoors

passing and kicking and throwing the ball as they went along

allowing themselves to just be teenagers while out of their hero and class uniforms

some not having that chance of being recognised anywhere but the rest took full advantage of this

"Will you all stop this tomfoolery" Iida questioned as he chased after the ball, slowly becoming into a game of piggy in the middle

"oh come on, have some fun, hey Jiro, catch!" Kaminari laughed as he

but as the electric boy threw the ball, a member of the public had just been at the wrong place at the wrong time

as was hit in the back of the head with the ball

a shining bright light coming from it and shooting at the first person in front

"Jiro!" Tokoyami shouted as she pushed her out of the way only to be shot instead

"Tokoyami!" they called in fear, only to see the raven's silhouette split into 7

"what the.." the class questioned as their vision regained

now seeing not only 7 tokoyami's, but 7 different coloured cloaked and feathered tokoyamis

"oh jeez, not again" the public member who was still on the floor whispered

"We are so sorry sir" Ochakko apologised as she and Asui began to help him up

"no no it's ok, I'm sorry for what I did to your friend," he said as he brushed his short fluffy rainbow-dyed hair out of his eyes, revealing a black coloured gem in his forehead

"um, If we can ask, what did you do to him?" Midoriya asked as he watch the tokoyami start to become animate

"Oh yeah, so my quirk is my head, it can split a person into their 7 core personalities and emotions, so when you accidentally hit into me while I was training...that's what happened to your friend" the man explained

so can you put them back, Mr

"niji, nijji houseki and I wish I could but unfortunately it takes a while to charge back" niji explained sheepishly

"so we have to just sit around?! Where's the fun in that?!" The green tokoyami asked as he sprang up, unable to keep still it seemed and the first to start talking

"I...I don't think that's safe" The gray Tokoyami said as they hid behind Koda

"I have to conquer, it would be reckless to wander off in unrecognisable territory, further understanding is needed" The yellow tokoyami stated

"ok so that's the bold, shy and knowledge sides of Tokoyami" Midoriya noted as he quickly took out his notepad, only for it to be stolen by the yellow tokoyami...yellowyami ?

"Boo! Where's your sense of adventure! We never do what I want to do!" GreenYami stated with confusion

"hehe, where would we go?" PinkYami asked with a beaming smile, going up to greenYami and joining in the jumping up and down, his pink shadow dancing around them happily

PinkYami scared the class

"WE'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" redyami screamed as their red shadow screamed above them

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