I'm here

228 11 3

Requested by SoftiePyro

Bakugo comforting tokoyami after a bad day

There were little to few sights to which Bakugo would admit that can make his day a good day

His room was as pristine and clean as last he left it

His reflection each time he put effort into his appearance, even more so with seeing how badass he looked when in his hero uniform

And most importantly, seeing his boyfriend's genuine smile when their eyes lock for the first time each and every day

Yet, pray tell, where was the feeling of joy today when seeing the supposed smile

The two were annoyingly split into a separate group of two for this day and wouldn't see each other until the afternoon

just a simple civilian search and rescue, nothing he knew the two couldn't handle

and yet when the group did meet back

he was.....frustrated! yes that was what he was feeling

he was frustrated to see that Tokoyami was nowhere to be seen

"hey, zawa!" Bakugo yelled as he began barreling past the second group

"bakugo" Aizawa groaned, knowing it was a matter of time

"The fuxx is Fumikage!" Bakugo demanded

"It's ok katchan, tokoyami just asked to stay back" Deku tried to assure before getting interrupted by an explosion too close to his face

"I WASN'T ASKING YOU!" Bakugo snarled, not having the patience for this

"calm it, midoriya's right, tokoyami said he just wanted to go the scenic route to "cleanse his soul" Sero confirmed with a huff

"fuxxing, and you just let him!" Bakugo asked incredulously

"Baku-" Aizawa began with tired annoyance but once more the blond refused to hear

"Just tell me where he is" Bakugo huffed with something that sounded like desperation


Once Bakugo retrieved the coordinates, the blond was in the air with a single explosion

landing after 6 large explosions

"That little shix" Bakugo huffed as he entered the park, but instead, walked

the flowers were in early bloom

leaves painted in glistening water drops

but the most beautiful sight was the mythical mystery underneath the flowing mossy fountain

"fumikage" Bakugo stated as he announced his present

the raven did not flinch from the sudden voice

his body settling as if he was expecting it

"bakugo" Tokoyami responded calmly

"Look, I love your mysterious and dark side, but what the hell are you doing out here sounded like you've planned to" Bakugo continued as he stormed to the raven's side

"Please ease your worries, I make no such plans" Tokoyami tried to ease

only to be swirled to face the blond, arms secured in the taller's hand

"then the hell are you doing in the middle of nowhere, not coming back with the morons or telling me!" Bakugo demanded with too many emotions to count

"I wanted some time to myself" Tokoyami said with a nonchalant tone

"Again, you could have just texted me that!" Bakugo huffed as he tried to calm himself down

"I'm sorry" Tokoyami apologised

eyes dropping down to the floor in shame

the blond merely looked in confusion before letting out another sigh

sitting down on the edge of the waterfall and bringing the raven down with him to speak on a personal level


"ok, what's going on?" Bakugo asked calmly

the raven looked more upset but the blond couldn't have that

"fumikage, please" Bakugo urged as he held him closer, a gentle hand holding his feathered cheek for further support

something the raven really needed as he leaned closer into the hold

"Today is not a fortunate one" Tokoyami began to answer

"something happens? those fuxxers do something because I swear I will-" Bakugo began as he readied to kick some asses

"no, none of our classmates are to blame" Tokoyami eased as he cooled down that fire

something only the raven could do

"then who was-" Bakugo tried before he was the one interrupted

"it was no one" Tokoyami stated perhaps too harshly before calming himself to explain further

"it was no one, no-thing I just...feel this way" Tokoyami continued shakily

bakugo holding his hand to urge him to continue

"I meant to tell you this, perhaps in a better mindset set but... I take anti-depressants" Tokoyami revealed

"I've been taking them long before coming to U.A, and slowly I have been working with Recovery girl to lower as I have been slowly needing them less, but some days it...it gets too much" Tokoyami finished as he readied the blonds response, closing his eyes as he didn't want to see the disgust from the one he held dear

yet the hand that held his simply tightened gently

"ok, how can I help?" Bakugo asked

the raven's eyes bolted in surprise, looking at the blond in pure astonishment, examining his features but he could see nothing but pure devotion

"bakugo" Tokoyami began shakily, but he didn't know how to continue

so the blond did for him

"I'm not going to pretend like I know what's going in your head, but if you think I'm going to judge you because you take antidepressants then I'm here to tell you that it doesn't bother me in the slightest If you need me to give you space, tell me to fuck off, if you want me to be here then I'll stay, just say the word and I'll do it, just don't stop telling me what you need, I'm here for you and I will be for as long as you want me" Bakugo announced, pleading his dedication through no matter what

"thank you" was all the raven could say as he felt tears begin to build

"Whatever you need fumi, I will always be there" Bakugo once more assured as he pulled the raven close, the bird-headed boy sinking comfortably in his hold

"having you here is enough" Tokoyami sighed as the two cuddled comfortably

the only sound of the waterfall filling the comfortable silence  

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