Chapter 2

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-Four Years Later-

"Get up you lazy berry-faced-lizard!" Artemis hollered, clambering onto a sleeping platform and bouncing on top of Prophecyteller. Her sister growled lightly and flared her wings with a louder protest. The younger dragonet gave an urgent hiss, and pulled at her talons.

"Go back to bed," she said, irritated, shoving Artemis away. The purple Nightwing flailed her wings and ended up falling to the floor with a loud thud. Artemis then scowled down at the floor, and her poor stubbed talons, rolling back over and hissing again.

"We have to go and see the shooting stars!" She shouted, jumping onto Prophecyteller, who hissed back in response and waved her talons. "Let's go. I'm not going to miss this! How could you just lay there! You're so boringly boring and irritating!"

"In the morning," her voice trailed off into a light snore. Artemis fell back on top of Prophecyteller, her wings splayed outwards as she tried(and failed) to nudge her off the ledge. Despite being only a year older, Prophecyteller was much larger.

"They won't be out in the morning!" She whined. "That's not how astrology works."

Prophecyteller's mouth curled down into a grimace, the older dragonet obviously being tired, and at this point, over it. Artemis curved her head down to her sister, gently poking her neck. Prophecyteller hissed again. She did that a lot.

"Wanna go for a fly afterward?" She asked. "I know how much you like going flying." The dark Nightwing was silent for a moment under her, until Prophecyteller launched Artemis off herself and the platform with an annoyed shove. Though her rising from the platform signaled her finally giving in.

"Only for a little bit." She said.

Artemis giggled in delight, jumping from the platform into the cave opening. Her sister took off after her, silently gliding past their parents sleeping all intertwined as they snored on.

She rolled her eyes as they glided past trees, careful to stay in the shadows they cast as to not be spotted. Special perks of their tribe. Soon they found a decently hidden ledge under a bending elm tree to watch the stars from.

They both clung to the surface as the night sky came to life, colors dancing across the surface, and shooting stars whizzing past in a blaze of silver-blue glory.

Artemis's eyes were wide and scattering like the lights themselves. Prophecyteller glanced at her little sister, watching the stars rocket past. She wanted to back up a bit further.

"Come on!" Artemis suddenly exclaimed. "Let's get a better view!"

Prophecyteller frowned, uncertain as she debated this. "Here's good enough." She said firmly, digging her talons into the niches in the dirt and moss coating the spire. Artemis has dragged her too far tonight.

Artemis scowled, and began shaking her forearm. "Please please pleaaaaase-"

"Alright!" Prophecyteller mumbled, and was ashamed at herself for giving in so easily.

Artemis's scowl faded, replaced with a sharp grin.

"I better not regret this." Her sister warned, spreading her wings. The silver scales underneath them weren't as bright as a normal Nightwings, so the underside of her wings seemed like someone had painted a night sky, then some other dragon's tail accidentally smudged it.

Artemis spread her own wings and they took off again. Prophecyteller scanned the ground below them, spotting a slab of stone surrounded by trees that jutted out of the side of a mountain, creating an angled area that brought them a bit higher, and therefore a bit closer. She angled her wings, and began her descent to it.

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