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Solar stared into the white orb that sat on her ledge, snarling at the moving pictures inside.

"She's getting further than she should be." She hissed, glaring at the orb.

"I wouldn't worry, your majesty." A voice squeaked from behind her, where a trembling dragonet stood. Her scales were a stormy grey with shifting white clouds.

"Wouldn't worry?" Solar boomed, whirling around on her. "THIS NIGHTWING COULD KILL ME."

The Daywing took a hesitant step back, her wings trembling. "I'm sorry, your majesty." She whispered, bowing her head.

"Send me somebody who knows not to get on my nerves before I kill you." Solar snapped, her words and temper sending the Daywing streaking out of the room in a flash of scales. She rolled her silver eyes, delicately folding in her wings.

"These peasants are useless." She grumbled, crawling back to the orb. Solar suddenly froze, staring into the moving surface where Artemis sat with her friends, unrolling the map. She roared, the sound shaking all the furniture that was placed in her room, rushing to take the orb in her talons. Her talons dug into the surface, creating small cracks along it. Desperation clawed at her heart, and she shook in in a rage, breathing a blast of white hot fire over it, stopping the picture.

At that exactly moment, another dragon came walking in. He was bigger than the other Daywing, but not as large as Solar. About nineteen years old. His scales were a muted yellow and orange color, and covered in scars. As soon as he saw the Queen, he stopped in his tracks, shivering as she hurled the orb at the wall, the crystal shattering everywhere.

"Hello, your majesty. " he spoke sarcastically and bowed to the Queen, who whirled around with a snarl.

"Get your lousy self over here, Sol. I'd expect more from my son." She said bitterly.

The prince rolled his eyes, but he approached. Everyone knew better than to ignore Queen Solar.

"Send a message to Zap." Solar hissed, flicking her deadly tail. Sol dipped his head at her, scrambling forwards and taking a blank scroll from a desk nearby. Grabbing a red quill, he dipped it into an open ink pot beside the set of blank scrolls. He began to write in gold ink as Solar spoke.

"Keep your guards and spies alert." She began, pacing the brightly lit cave she called her own. "Capture and kill any strange dragons you spot on your territory. They will disrupt our plans if they manage to make it to the Magicwings. Alert Queen Angler as well."

"Is that all?" Sol said smugly, receiving an angry glare from Solar.

"Watch it." She rumbled.

"Do you really believe your plan will work?" Sol said, ruffling his wings as he stares his mother in the eyes with his golden gaze.

"Of course I do." She said, expression sinister.

Sol examined his reddened claws. "Face it, mother. Whether you believe it or not, you'll lose your allies soon. If they find out what your real idea is.."

Solar suddenly lunged at him, gripping him by the throat and slamming him against the wall. "My allies are weak minded, and easy to dispose of." She hissed in his ear. "I won't have a problem unless they don't get that message. Now GO."

"Yes- yes of course." Sol choked, trying to pry Solar's massive talons off of his neck.

She suddenly dropped him to the ground, and he took off in a flurry of wingbeats, leaping out of the open wall and into the clear sky, scroll in talon. Solar sat back, watching him with narrowed eyes.

She was going to rule the islands. She was going to prove all of them wrong. She couldn't wait to see the faces of those who betrayed her. Revenge was going to be hers soon.

And she wasn't going to let anybody stop her.

The Story of Artemis- Wings of FireWhere stories live. Discover now