Chapter 20

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Flare walked down the halls, his expression cast ahead, flat like a marble statue, or one of her own wooden carvings.

Since he was clearly preoccupied with whatever he was thinking, Artemis let her gaze roam over the walls. They were made of smooth stone with veins of gold dancing through, gems placed here and there in red and blue streaks like sunbeams. There were carvings of clouds inlaid with more gold and marble dragons with flames in their talons. The walls told a story, but Artemis couldn't quite figure it out yet.

It was very bright and open, big enough for Artemis and Flare to walk side by side with their wings fully spread if they wished. Natural sunlight filtered the halls, it was nowhere near dark inside. Gemstones like diamonds and rubies decorated smaller parts of the floor and ceiling. Gold talon prints were scoured across the floor, and Artemis bemusedly stepped on the more reoccurring patches.

Skywings sure like to advertise their wealth. She thought. But I must admit, it's absolutely beautiful.

"Almost there." Flare announced, his long tail lashing against the floor as a unexpected look of anxiety crossed his face. Artemis notes that his scales were so red they perfectly matched the gems in the walls that they passed.

He immediately covered it, but it left Artemis wondering- what could he have to be worrying about?

They kept walking for a little longer, until they reached a set of heavy red-wood doors. Flare's chest heaved with a long sigh. Artemis looked at him with deep confusion, and arched a brow at the Skywing. She shifted her talons, feeling awkward still in her new form.

He put a large wing over her back, and she noticed he had a sweet smell of pine sap and sugar wafting over his scales.

"We're here." He whispered. Why he decided to do so was beyond her. "Let me do the talking. You will understand why in just a moment."

Artemis nodded slowly. She was a bit miffed, but kept her mouth shut.

"Stick by my side." Flare mumbled as he pushed open the doors, a strict tone seeping into his voice as he closed his big wings. He quickly slipped into the room.

They walked inside, and Artemis was practically blinded. Gold, red, and more gold. Everywhere. She had never seen so much in all of the moons she'd been alive. She and Flare walked on what seemed to be a silk carpet, which thankfully, was red.

Sunlight flooded onto the floors, walls, and everywhere else. But all was not pristine and flawless. Varied splotches of deep scarlet and crimson littered the long carpet in a marbling effect. But it also looked quite a bit like blood. Artemis hoped it was just for decoration. But she steered clear just in case.

They approached a simple stone throne inlaid with rubies. Upon it sat a dark red Skywing, who had a fairly long tail and neck, and a regal face. There was no doubt she was a queen. She gazed down at them both, more tiny rubies littered in her scales clicked faintly as she did so. The Skywing wore chains upon chains of silver and diamonds. This dragon was a walking treasury in Artemis' eyes.

A wide smile curled on her lips as she laid her eyes on Flare, who stared back defiantly. She seemed wholeheartedly amused.

"Flare." She nodded to the bright red Skywing, who said nothing in return. Her voice was smooth but fake, and Artemis had to wonder what she really sounded like.

"Queen Ruby." Flare said flatly, bowing his head. Artemis followed his example- she did not want something of hers to decorate this carpet.

Ruby rolled her eyes, slithering off her throne. "Please, little brother. No need to be so formal." She flicked her tongue out of her mouth, gazing down at Artemis with the gaze of a hawk.

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