Chapter 7

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She shot upright in her hammock, flaring her wings and almost falling out of the side.

The screaming got louder, and suddenly stopped. Her eyes were still hazy and unfocused as she tried setting them on Mamba's hammock. Which was still there, but Mamba herself was nowhere to be seen. She stumbled out, using her wings for balance so she didn't fall. Her mind was still clouded from the dream.

"Mamba!" She shouted, looking around. Nothing. Beginning to get panicked, she walked the main level of the hut. The screaming started again, and Artemis jumped in surprise, stumbling back onto a very agitated Vine.

"Watch where you're going, stupid Nightwing!" He roared, his scales flaring red as he shoved her out of the way.

"I'm sorry! But what is making that screaming?" She called after him.

He shouted over his shoulder, "The howler monkeys! It's finally time for you to go to Jade Mountain." With that, he sped down the hall, bursting through the door and into the morning air.

Artemis's wings dropped. Jade Mountain. Today. New dragons. Today. Ugh. She wasn't so sure about all of that... Not after the dream...But she had something else on her mind, where did Mamba go?

She continued to look for her friend, having no luck. She asked Shimmer and Treefrog, but they just shrugged their wings and walked away.

Now guideless, she decided to look for her in the village. Running back down to retrieve her things, she slung the satchel over her shoulder. Lastly, she checked her reflection in a pool of water that sat into a large wooden bowl, frowning at it as she brushed a leaf and stray flower that was stuck to her face.

Here goes nothing.

She walked out of the basement and onto the main floor. After thanking Treefrog and Shimmer for letting her stay(to which she got a solemn response) she left. The humid morning met her like a tail slap to the face, and she winced at the bright sunlight. As she turned her head, she found a couple more Rainwings coming out of their huts, who gave her confused looks. One Rainwing turned his scales darker and narrowed his eyes as soon as she stepped outside. Who knew a pink and purple Rainwing would scowl.

She ducked her head and spread her wings, the silver scales catching the sunlight. She knew she wasn't really welcome, she had to be quick. Within a few seconds she was in the air and searching for her friend. She flew over the tree canopy, scanning the ground for familiar colorful red scales and gold eyes. It was surprisingly hard. She mistook one too many flowers for Mamba. She kept looking for a little longer, with no luck.

Her hopes diminishing, she glided down to a tree-circled pond. She landed on her hind feet, cupping her wings to catch the air that slowed her down. The breeze lovingly curled around her horns.

Artemis landed fully, and tucked her wings into her sides, walking to the pond. Dragonflies skirted the water, along with beautifully colored butterflies.

She focused her attention to the glassy surface. She could see straight down to the bottom of the pond, where frogs lay nestled in the mud. She wrinkled her nose, immediately thinking of Mudwings.

Artemis didn't quite understand how they liked mud, but every dragon was different. She was supposed to be a cryptic all-powerful hermit after all. Still, she was fascinated by the idea that they could blend in so easily.

She kept wondering if there was a Mudwing down there, blending in, holding their breath and waiting for something. She bent down to take a drink, when a soft buzzing began in her head.

A sharp pain jabbed in her skull, the pain rocketing to her eye sockets. She stumbled backwards, crying out at the sudden shock. Artemis thought at first that she must have been bitten by something, or hit by a dart. But she soon knew that wasn't the case. Her vision filled with the blue light from her dream.

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