Chapter 26

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It was day three of their flight to Jade Mountain, and they had now reached the area where the dragonets of destiny had once lived.

"Wanna go check out the cave?" Artemis asked, beating her wings.

Nova shrugged, flicking her tail. "I dunno. If you really want to."

Taking it as a yes, Artemis dove through the clouds, weaving through the mountain like threading a pattern on a colorful blanket. She was careful to keep Treasure seated on her back.

She banked left, swirling up a cloud of dust as she landed quite clumsily near the cave entrance, where a large boulder sat on one side of the cave. Excitement creeping up her scales in bright gold starbursts, she peered inside, instantly regretting it as she inhaled dust and cobwebs.

As she gagged and coughed, Nova landed behind her. She shot her an amused look, and walked into the cave. Treasure squeaked and pointed at Nova's disappearing tail.

"Yes." Artemis breathed, "I know." She hurried after the hybrid, starting to slow as she viewed what was around her.

Blackened walls who told tales of fire and piles of ash were scattered amongst the cave. She surveyed the floor, sweeping a wing across her nose as a foul stench rose from the other room. Nova had already disappeared into it. Following slowly, she felt Treasure shift nervously on her back.

What she saw made her almost gag up her lunch from earlier. A rotting corpse sat nearby, russet and brown stained the floor underneath it. She shivered from head to tail as she spotted Nova's green scales. She was studying the corpse with a horrified expression. Artemis realized with a start that the corpse had once been a Sandwing...due to the skull shape and barb at the end of its tail.

Nothing was left but a few scraps of blood stained bones and some scattered scales. It looked like its neck had been broken, and it was missing part of its leg. The wings were bent at odd angles and the tip of one was inches away from Nova's terrified face.

"Must've..must've been finished off by coyotes...or..something.." Artemis stuttered, holding Treasure closer as he trembled with one wing, while she gently grabbed Nova's forearm with her talons, pulling back.

"Come on." She said softly, and she watched as tears started to form in the hybrids eyes. She felt tears of her own fall to the earth for the dragon...Yet she hadn't even known them.

"I'm sorry- we shouldn't have stopped I'm sorry I'm so stupid." Artemis rambled, but Nova just shook her head.

"No, come on." She wiped her face with a wing. "Lets just go." She said quietly.

They didn't speak for the rest of the daylight.

It was now nighttime, and all three moons were shining bright, the third a thin sliver. They had stopped to rest at a very mountainous stretch of land. Choosing a secluded cave, they lugged their tired bodies inside and Artemis started a small fire to dull the numbing and cold air,

Artemis stared at the crackling flames, shifting over as Treasure settled himself into the curve of her belly and pulled her wing over him, making cute little snoring noises a few minutes later.

"So, I'm guessing you're a student at Jade Mountain." Nova said, poking the fire with a a stick. "Obviously."

She nodded, hesitantly turning over the necklace that hung from her neck with nervous talons.

"What Winglet?" Nova suddenly asked. Artemis arched a brow, flicking her ears.

"The Opal Winglet." She answered, suddenly feeling homesick. "I'm in it with my friends Mamba, Mudpuddle, Tempest, Seaglass and Snowfall, and Potent." She laughed lightly. "He refuses to admit he's friends with anyone, but I know deep down he cares." Artemis mused.

Nova smiled slightly, tilting her head. "Tell me more."

Artemis described a few of her friends, then went on about more dragonets like Dart, Shadowbender, and her sister Prophecyteller. Nova's face darkened when she mentioned her sibling, and she changed the subject immediately.

"Seaglass and Snowfall are cool." She nodded, "I'm almost certain they like each other.. Who knows, it's kinda hard to fall in love in just two days."

Nova winked at her. "Seems like you fell in love with Shadowbender in just two days, eh?"

Artemis felt pink rise to her cheeks, and she flared her Rainwing ruff at her. "Um, no."

Did I? She wondered to herself.

"So what does he look like?" Nova questioned. "He's gotta be cute?"

Artemis flinched, making Treasure squirm. "Completely black, orange eyes and teardrop looking scales behind them." She described, and Nova just stared.

She frowned irritably, sighing.

Artemis studied Nova's eyes, and she looked deeply concentrated, like she was thinking hard.

"What about you?" Artemis said, making Nova widen her eyes in surprise. "Where are you from?"

Nova opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by a loud roar. Artemis jumped in fright and swept out the fire, pressing herself to the ground as she willed her scales to change color. She scrunched up her eyes at the sound of footsteps.

Please please please please please let Nova be safe-

"There's nothing in here, Lesulite!" A male voice yelled, and Artemis pricked her ears as the sound of scales scraping against rock sounded again.

"I swear I saw something." The one called Lesulite said wistfully. "There was light in here! I know it!"

"Quiet. Your uproar has disturbed our stealth. There's no way we'll find that disgrace of a dragon now." Growled the male. A cold breeze swept throughout the cave as he spread his wings. "Come on. Let's head back to the search party to discuss your mistake."

Artemis heard a sigh, and the scuffling disappeared along with the extra heat in the cave. Daring to open an eye, she watched as two scarlet shapes took off into the clouds and disappeared into the night.

She lifted her head, searching for Nova.

"Nova-" she began to hiss, but talons clamped over her mouth.

"They could still hear us!" A voice whispered fiercely, and Artemis relaxed.

Nova crawled down from the top of the cave, her scales rippling with different colors. Red, black, green, and white. Anger, fear, and pain. Treasure squeaked irritatedly from under Artemis's wing and she poked him, frowning.

Nova's scales relaxed back to their original color of white. That left Artemis wondering.. if Nova truly was in pain all the time...

"Are you okay?" Artemis asked, looking at her friend worriedly. Nova just nodded, shaken.

"Yeah. I'm aright. You?" Artemis nodded also, and Nova inclined her head.

"No more fires for tonight, we can't risk that again." She declared, and Artemis agreed.

They decided to sleep in shifts, and Artemis went first. They both woke with feverish dreams of blood and fear and gold dragons, but neither told the other. It was now Artemis's turn to sleep. She shut her eyes for the last time before daylight, and let darkness envelop her.

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