Chapter 5

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Mamba guided her deeper into the Rainforest, and Artemis' eyes were as wide as the moons. Sure she had to stop every now and then to wriggle out from two very close knit branches, and had a few bruises, they actually made good time.

She made sure she was taking in every breathtaking detail as they flew, as she was absolutely mesmerized.

Her friend soon stopped, however, making Artemis stumble into a partially fallen tree. Bewildered, she stared at the bark, noticing strange splatters that seemed to have sunken in and eaten away at the wood.

"Thats new." She mumbled, shaking off wet and clingy leaves that had stuck onto her legs. She sidled away from the goo. Mamba snorted at that, her scales shifting to a deep garnet when her talons touched the ground.

"Let's go, Nightwing. I've got a village to show you."

They walked a little farther, until Mamba spread a wing and stopped Artemis in her tracks. Then, slowly and dramatically, she lowered her wing, revealing the heart of the Rainwing Kingdom. Artemis caught her breath, dazzled.

Rainwings flew from suspended hammocks, some rested on platforms, lazily stretched out in the sun. Leaf covered huts littered the ground and trees like fallen emerald scales. There was a plant in front of them with leaves shaped like tiny knives, and another that was short and squat and had thick pale green petals tinged pink at the ends. Flowers and vines and every kind of rainforest plant filled the kingdom with a lush green, as well as every color of the rainbow and more. Oh, the colors were dazzling. There were some Artemis had never seen before.

Mamba laughed, "Close your mouth, you'll swallow a butterfly or something."

Artemis quickly clamped her jaw shut, embarrassed. That actually could have happened if she wasn't careful. She had eaten a monarch once, out of curiosity. Stomach aches for days. Artemis snorted and reverted her eyes back to the amazing place around her.

"So, anyways. You live here?" She said, astonished. Mamba shrugged her wings like it was no big deal.

"Yeah, it really isn't all that great."

"Isn't all that great? Dragons would kill to live in a place like this!"

Mamba's wing tips turned a pale shade of green. "They have."

Artemis winced, mentally scolding herself. She guessed that was a touchy subject for Mamba, so she decided to leave it at that.

"Anyways." Her guide began, her voice shaking a little. "We better introduce you to Queen Glory so she know's you're here, and she doesn't kick you out of the village." Artemis nodded along at this, distracted once again by the scenery, so distracted she missed the added , "And so you don't get killed or something."

"Well, let's go." Artemis said, raising her half folded wings. Mamba nodded, but Artemis could still see uneasiness in her eyes, but she immediately covered it with a smile.

They both took off to the Queen's meeting center. Mamba and the Nightwing landed at the entrance, and Artemis found herself surrounded by dragons. Rainwings of all colors, she even saw a few Nightwings!

It was so strange to see her own tribe outside of home. She had to remind herself she wasn't from a usual Nightwing family. Mamba suddenly nudged her with an elbow, and pointed to a line of dragons snaking out of a leaf covered entryway.

"We wait in the line till it's our turn, it won't take long, though. Queen Glory gets a lot done for each dragon sooner than all the other Queens did."

"Got it." She said, getting in line with Mamba. A few Rainwings gave her puzzled looks, but overall, they didn't seem to be hostile. Just curious, she was new around here after all. That was a huge relief for her. Artemis had enough of hostile for her liking. She swung her head around, just to see Mamba locked in a conversation with another Rainwing.

The Rainwing was a pale gold color, like corn silk. The top of her back was a faded dark blue, with some green dappled here and there. Her horns were twisted at a strange angle, pointing inward. As Artemis was looking over, the two of them caught each other's eyes. Artemis was amazed at how bright of a green they were.

"Who's this?" The Rainwing said, gesturing to her, tilting her head curiously.

Mamba's scales were now a stormy grey, Artemis noticed. She flicked her tail towards Artemis, "Just a new friend. Taking her to see Queen Glory so she won't get kicked out into the Nightwing village until tomorrow."

"Right." Artemis agreed. The Rainwing arched a brow, like she didn't approve of this, but said nothing.

"Hmm." She still eyed her warily, but her uneasiness slowly diminished."Yeah, okay. I'm Dart." Dart clawed at the ground with a talon after a second, "Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

Right. Artemis thought to herself again. "I'm Artemis."

"Strange name -" She observed. "-but it's cool." Artemis sighed in partial relief to having the conversation be over. Dart seemed nice, but truthfully, Artemis hardly met any dragons at all outside of her own family, so she was quite awkward about it.

They all stood in silence for a few minutes, but soon, it was their turn. Mamba and Artemis said goodbye to Dart, heading to the entrance.

Two pale pink and yellow Rainwing guards stood at the front, both holding spears tipped with metal. Moon-white flowers cascaded onto their wings and shoulders from the vines hanging around them. Not so menacing, but Artemis admired the fierceness in their eyes. As she walked by, she noticed the ears of one of the Rainwings turn into a darker shade of red, and she put on a stoic expression.

If she was Queen, she'd want soldiers like that. Queen...The thought puzzled her. Nightwings don't have a Queen anymore. Right? Well, I'm sure Queen Glory does just fine ruling both tribes. Not much my business anyway, I don't really belong here.

She shrugged off the idea and the soldiers led her and Mamba into the Queen's room. What startled Artemis most was the Nightwing standing at Queen Glory's side. He eyed everything warily, especially when he brought his gaze to her.

The Nightwing growled deeply, and he shifted, his black scales moved with him, as slick as oil. Artemis took a step back. He studied her carefully, like he'd never seen her before.

Of course not, bird brain. She scolded herself. You don't live here.

She didn't even realize Queen Glory and Mamba had started talking. She was too busy trying to figure out if she knew who the Nightwing was.

"Arty." Mamba elbowed her in the side, and she yelped and swatted at her with a wing.

"W-what?" she asked her, but Mamba shoved her forwards. Artemis flared her wings in alarm as her back talons slid across the floor, ripping up a few leaves.

Queen Glory smiled faintly at this, giving a look Artemis just couldn't place at her bodyguard. (Artemis had assumed that was the Nightwing's job, considering how close her stood.) Artemis's scales burned. She really hoped the queen wouldn't be upset about that.

"Sorry about the floor." she mumbled as Mamba asked about her staying. She clasped her talons around her onyx pendant, looking up to see Queen Glory returning to a more proper posture. Her bodyguard whispered something in her ear, and her ruff turned pink. She shoved him and whispered back fiercely. Artemis' ears pricked and she just caught the bodyguards name, Deathbringer. How ominous. And slightly terrifying.

Mamba thanked the Queen, who had agreed to let Artemis stay, and Deathbringer, turning to go. She smiled before lightly brushing a reassuring wing against Artemis.

"Shall we?"

Maybe this'll be alright. Artemis thought as they left the queens throne room. The sun fell across her back once again, filling her with warmth. Maybe.

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