Chapter 13

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Artemis snapped open her eyes, and she slid off her ledge. Her eyes were wide in fear and her breath came in short, ragged gasps, and her wings fluttered like they sensed her panic. Not surprisingly, she felt the heat of three pairs of dragon eyes staring at her.

"What the heron." Mudpuddle said.

Artemis scrambled back up her ledge, digging her talons into its surface and ripping a few of the lovely blankets. She winced.

"Bad dream..?" Tempest guessed awkwardly.

I don't even know if it WAS a dream...It felt so real. She thought.

"Why were you talking in your sleep?" Mudpuddle questioned. Artemis' eyes widened. She had been talking in her sleep? What had she said? Did they know about Solar? The necklace? Oh, stars above.

"I was talking in my sleep?" She hopped off the ledge, shaking the now shredded blanket off her talons.

"What did I say?" She demanded, and Mudpuddle raised her talons in a hopeless gesture.

"You were repeating this thing over and over. A part from a scroll you read, maybe?" Tempest said, her violet eyes wide and eerie. "I know I talk gibberish sometimes after learning something new."

Artemis slowly shook her head. "I don't know... How did it go?"

Tempest folded her wings to her side and concentrated, attacking her mind for what Artemis had said. It took her a minute, but she began to speak in a rather soft voice, and Artemis had to strain to hear her.

"A destined dragon with a hard beginning will send the keepers of Pyhrria's fate spinning.
She with silver scales dotted from the moon, shall bid the next ruler to rise, who brings the new.
To succeed with the new there will come the dark.
A seven dragonet quest they must embark.

"Wait wait." Mamba interrupted. "That's not what I heard. All I heard was nonsense."

"Yeah. Same here. Are you sure it wasn't from your dream, Tempest?" Mudpuddle said carefully, arching a brow.

"Could've been." Tempest merely shrugged." I woke up with it stuck in my head, so who knows."

"Wait." Artemis said. "Tempest, finish what you were going to say."

"But it's worthless information." Mudpuddle complained. "I'm not trying to relearn stuff that I intentionally forgot."

"Trust me." Artemis pleaded.

Tempest shrugged again. "Okay." She sat up straight, clearing her throat. She talked a bit louder.

"Scales as green as glass.
Puddle of mud on the ground below.
Snow that gently falls.
Venomous snake that stalks.
Toxic tail from the sand.
A tribrid who will guide across the lands, and eyes that change with every glance.

The dragonets must survive, or else the Sun will take the tribes.
Travel to the Twins to bring down the Sun.
Discover the truth of the Moon for the battle to be won.
Clashes of claws are fated, to put the war to rest.
Find unlikely heroes who will help in the test.
The great Sun and Moon shall begin an Eclipse.
Warning for a hero, the scales have just tipped."

She smiled uneasily, suddenly a bit bashful. "That's all."

They all stared at her. Mamba had her mouth hanging open. Artemis gently reached over and closed it.

"What?" Tempest asked, and then received no answer. "What?" She asked again.

"Tempest, that sounded like a prophecy." Mudpuddle said.

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