Chapter 22

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Artemis scurried back to her room in an attempt to see what she could do in the short amount of time she had. She really didn't know when she'd be barged in on, and worried she wouldn't have a chance to just figure some things out.

As she closed the doors behind her, the first thing that rose to the front her mind was the map. She stepped to where she had hidden it, Artemis then took a spare satchel hanging from an unused torch-hopefully nobody would miss it.

She wrinkled her snout, stuffing the scroll and the armband inside it, and observed the area for the next thing.

The box. It had fallen out of the silver tube when she had opened it, and she hadn't been able to see what it was. She carefully lifted her items, withdrawing a small and velvety rectangle. The texture was odd against her talons and made her wince.

Slowly walking to the platform provided, Artemis studied the box. She pushed aside scrolls with their inkwells and blew off curls of whittled wood. Satisfied, she set down the box, pleased to no longer have to hold it.

It was covered in some sort of black cloth, adorned with a plain silver rim, which cold to the touch. She noticed the object radiated a strong draw to it. A magnetic force, almost. A bit like the tide to the moons. Artemis felt like she had to open it. It was meant for her in some way- and only her.

She peered around the edge of the box, discovering a minuscule keyhole. Opening it would be an issue.

But where's the key?

She thought. She turned her head and lift her large wing to ignore the orange light coming in through the opening in her room. It struck her eyes and bounced off the walls. It had all shadowed her in a yellow aura as the setting sun crept further every few minutes.

Artemis sat back on her hind legs to think, wondering why there would even be a tiny keyhole for such an object.

Maybe it was made by a scavenger? For a scavenger? Whatever made it obviously wanted to protect the thing inside. But it didn't make sense as to why she felt so strongly to open it. It had to be enchanted by someone. But who? Why had she found it now? What made this day, this time, so important?

She sighed, a small plume of smoke drifting from her mouth and nose and circling around her horns. She swat it away.

What's the easiest way to open a small box with an even tinier keyhole?

She grumbled as she began to pick at the keyhole with a small, sharp talon. Maybe I could...

Her thoughts cut off with a light squeak. The hinges had to be oiled.

Looking down at the box, she marveled that it  had opened. She gaped, holding the box to her face to examine what was inside.

A black shard about the length and thickness of her talon sat inside a silky purple cloth protector. Shining like obsidian, the shard seemed to suck the light from the room each time it sparkled, stealing the sun.

Artemis stared in awe, noticing its minuscule details. A crescent moon against a backdrop of stars was carved into the surface. With fine lines and extreme detail, it was the thing that popped out the most, but was so tiny she barely saw it at first. Once she did, she couldn't look away.

Artemis gently picks up the shard, holding it in her talons. Surprisingly, it wasn't all that heavy. She tilted it this way and that, confused.

A sharp pull on her neck grabs her attention. The silver necklace around her neck was pulling itself towards the shard, yanking Artemis with in the process. Gasping in surprise, her eyes widened and she coughed. She pulled back, her resistance then pulling her arms to her necklace. She finally let go and gave out a loud yelp as her talons were forced toward, slamming her head a bit against the stone wall.

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