Chapter 21

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Artemis and Flare walked side by side, and the prince seemed pleased. He appeared to be overdoing it, which made Artemis suspicious of how he truly felt.

"What's got you so excited?" Artemis questioned, tilting her head. Her new scales flashed in the sun and torchlight, making her actually look like she belonged in the halls alongside him.

Flare smiled, brushing his large wing against hers. "You'll see." He turned back around, his head tilted upwards as if to hide an expression.

Artemis and Flare kept walking along the gold veined halls, all until they stopped at an ornate entrance. They were the very doors to Queen Ruby's throne room.

"What are we doing here?" Artemis asked, looking over her shoulder at the empty halls behind them. Flare shrugged, pushing open the doors with a shoulder.

"Not me, you." He said, giving her an apologetic glance that was truthful but also way more relieved than necessary. "Sorry Melt. But tell me how it goes!"

"Wait-" she blurted, but Flare closed the doors on her. She yelped as the heavy door nearly smacked her snout, and she leapt backwards with a wince and a hiss of irritation.

She rubbed her snout with a talon, irked at the close call.

"Melt!" A familiar voice called.

Artemis whipped back around, seeing the Queen of the Skywings approaching her.

"Your majesty." She said, quickly dipping her head and flattening her wings to the ground. Ruby simply rolled her eyes, patting Artemis on the horns.

"Enough of that, dear." Ruby sighed. "Now come. We need to get you presentable."

"Presentable? For what, your majesty?" She asked, raising a brow.

"You are my guest for today. Lucky enough, I've taking a liking to you. I want to know more about you. And your kidnapping, especially. If you were the only one, who your captors are." Ruby said, examining her talons with a rueful expression. "But those details are for later."

Artemis balked. "What will you have me do, Queen Ruby?"

"Firstly, you get to sit by me." Ruby smiled, and Artemis couldn't help but lean back at their sharpness and pristinely color . "And, no offense Melt, but those boring scales need a little sprucing up before you can be seen. I can't have some of my other guests doubting their queen." She frowned, looking at her. "Diamonds and silver to go with that necklace of yours?"

Artemis opened to her mouth to respond, rather confused as she glanced down at her gold scales.


"Ah, why am I asking you?" Ruby laughed, filling in the silence. "I can make you wear whatever I want. I am queen after all!" She swept her long wings around herself, walking to a room Artemis hadn't even seen before. It was to the left of Ruby's throne room, and lit with tiny glass globes filled with fire.

"Come on." She called, and Artemis followed hurriedly.

They entered the bright room- in which Skywings were scurrying back and forth. It was much larger than Artemis anticipated.

Work was busy away in the air, and on the ground. All of the workers were carrying some type of jewelry. As Queen Ruby and Artemis entered, they froze in place. A smaller Skywing yelped and fell over, not able to hold her awkward position anymore. Yellow gems that were yet to be polished scattered to the ground.

Ruby sighed, her tail flicking back and forth. "Did I tell you to stop?"

They nodded and bowed, a few comments like "yes your majesty" and "of course Queen Ruby" floating around the room as they resumed their previous activities. Two orange dragons helped pick up the gems from before.

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