Chapter 11

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"Hey! Seriously, cut it out." Artemis pleaded to the fighting dragonets. Gradually, the Opal Winglet turned to look at her. She lowered her spines, embarrassed now that all eyes were on her.

Snowfall shook of Seaglass, who had leant against him heavily to tick him off. The Seawing fell to the floor with a thump, the gold rings that hung from his back fins clattering lightly. He growled up at the large Icewing.


"Don't act so childish." Tempest scolded.

"Look who's talking." Potent grumbled at her.

"Why you-"

"Stop it." Artemis said again. Her necklace swung against her chest as she turned her head to the concerned dragonets on the platform. Clay caught her pleading eye and immediately flew down.

"Now what seems to be the trouble?" He asked as he limped over. Artemis involuntarily shivered as she recalled how he got the limp. Dragonbite vipers gave her nightmares.

"Well what does it look like, Clay?" Tsunami exclaimed, landing beside him. Clay frowned and turned to the rest of the Opal Winglet.

"Come on guys, just try and get along...Please." He said.

Potent growled, "You expect me to get along with..." He trailed off as he pointed to Tempest. She gave him a baleful look.

"Yes. I do expect you to get along with her." Clay stated.

"But she's a-"

Tsunami's gills flared, "She's a hybrid! So what? Now stop fighting before I lock you both in a cave until you can be nice to one another! Awful dragonets!"

"Tsunami-" Clay started.

"Quiet, Clay. Sometimes you have to be mean to get them to listen!"

Everyone quieted down after that.

"Good." Tsunami said, nodding in satisfaction. "I'm going to keep an eye on this Winglet." She warned. Giving the two fighting dragonets a cold stare, she opened her wings and took off out into the open air above them.

"You-" Clay started, pausing when he caught Potent rolling his eyes. "Yeah...You heard what Tsunami said." He frowned as he took off after the Seawing, trying to console her.

"Listen, guys. We should be heading back to our caves." Artemis said. "The day is almost over..." She glanced at the indigo sky that was fading to inky black. "I'm pretty sure we have a big one ahead too. Classes. So excited for that."

Slowly, a few heads nodded in agreement.

"Alright, then. Goodnight everyone. See you in class tomorrow." Seaglass said, backing up and walking out. Snowfall nodded his head and followed. Potent looked at Tempest.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

Tempest perked her ears,"What was that?"

He growled this time. "I'm sorry!"

Tempest smiled cheerfully. "I'm sorry too."

Potent sighed and walked off after his Clawmates. His drill drooped, and Artemis wondered if he noticed. Artemis met Mamba, Tempest, and Mudpuddle's eyes.

"Let's go." Mamba declared. The dragonets agreed and headed back to their cave. They walked past the other Winglets getting settled in for the night as they headed to their new home for the time being. As soon as they arrived, Mamba glided to her hammock, Tempest curled up by the ledge, Mudpuddle buried herself in her furs, and Artemis crawled up onto her own ledge.

This was a good day. She thought as she pulled the blankets around her wings.

You certainly will be in for a surprise soon enough. A voice echoed.

Her eyes widened, and she sat up on her ledge. She glanced to her friends, but they seemed to have no reaction to the strange voice.

Hello? She thought. Who are you? Don't you ignore me. How are you doing this? Her mind bubbled with crazy thoughts, the echoey voice laughed.

I don't think I can tell you who I am just yet. You aren't ready. I can't tell you how I'm doing this, either. But when the time is right, I will tell you.

Artemis immediately thought back to Prophecyteller's words.

Ah. Yes, Prophecyteller. I've heard quite a lot about her.

You...know my sister?

I don't know HER. But I do know ABOUT her. I'm sure she has great things in store for herself, if she can survive long enough to find them out. As do you, Artemis.

Artemis shivered on her ledge, and she got the same buzzing feeling from earlier that day.

Go to sleep. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow. But I warn you, you will see a lot in this coming dream. So prepare yourself for what, and who you will face. Now. Sleep.

Artemis's head was still jumbled with confusion, she tried to speak but she couldn't. Somehow her eyelids started to droop, and her head slowly began to lower. Her necklace slowly pulsates, but she hardly felt it. As soon as her head touched the ledge, she was out.

But she wasn't greeted with the kind, quiet darkness you'd usually see when you fall asleep. She was standing right in front of a certain gold dragon. Artemis narrowed her eyes against the light, and in defiance.

"Why hello little hero. We have a lot to discuss."

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