Important Update

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So, recently, I found my beloved story on a site I've never even been to before. A person had claimed both this story and the Twin Islands as their own, and threatened any person that was to "steal" their story. Ironic.

I've had art thefts over and over and over, but I honestly never thought I'd get a story thief. It's sent me into a debate about the story- while I want to keep it up for you all to enjoy, I'm nervous about what else could happen if someone attempts to steal it again. If you see anything, anywhere, that's related to or is very close to either of my two stories, please notify me. If this keeps happening I'll have no choice but to take them both down.

Just decided to update you all on the situation. In the end it was handled by some very kind admins, but I'm not looking to have my (albeit shabby) work stolen again.

- best wishes, Rom.

Edit- You're all very sweet for defending me, thank you.

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