Chapter 10

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"Shadow? What happened to my sister?" Artemis pressed, her eyes frantic.

Shadowbender spoke slowly. "She told me most of the scratches were from a crash. Bad winds."

Total frog spit.

"What about the others?" She looked to her sister, hoping to get an answer. Artemis didn't get one.

He lowered his voice, "From your father, she says."

Father would never do such a thing, would he? He was such a pushover. But it was mother, by any means, Artemis felt it in her gut.

Artemis turned to Prophecyteller, who was staring at her talons. She then did something unexpected from both her and the others.

Artemis spread her wings and hugged her sister tightly. She carefully took her talons into her own and curled her neck around her, resting her snout near her shoulder. Prophecyteller stayed quiet, but she inhaled audibly. Her scales were cold and rough.

"I'm sorry..."She suddenly mumbled. "I'm sorry for everything..."

"What did you do wrong?"

"What did I do wrong?" Prophecyteller gasped. "Oh, if only you knew. Mother and father-"

"Forget our family." Artemis grumbled. "They never liked us anyways."

"You don't understand, Artemis."

"What did they tell you?"

Prophecyteller paused. "It's...nothing big... Look, Artemis, just don't worry about it. Okay?"


"No buts. I'll tell you when I'll tell you." Prophecyteller declared.

"Fine." Artemis stepped back.

"Are now?" She asked hesitantly.

Artemis smiled, "As cool as an Icewing."

They both laughed at that one. Prophecyteller brushed her wing against her sisters. Artemis secretly felt elated, her sister really didn't hate her after all. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Shadowbender smiling at them. She turned to him, tilting her head. He glanced away.

"What? Have you never seen a happy family reunion before?"

He grinned wider, "I have, it's just neat seeing siblings being nice to each other, for once."

Artemis shifted her wings, "So I'm guessing you have no brothers or sisters, or the ones you do are absolute horrors."

He shook his head, "It's just me."

"Must get pretty lonely sometimes." She said.

"Eh. I'm alright. I move around enough to meet dragons like you, so it's all okay." His eyes widened at that, Artemis swore she saw faint color appear on his cheeks.  "I mean, you know. Friendly dragons. Yeah. Friendly dragons." He laughed nervously.

"Nice." Prophecyteller snorted.

"So..." Shadowbender began.

"Listen up!" A voice shouted over everyone. All heads turned to look at five dragonets perched on a tiny platform. The dragonet who spoke (more like yelled) was a Seawing. Tsunami, Artemis guessed. Next to her were Clay, Queen Glory's brother Prince Jambu, and Sunny, Artemis remembered she was a Nightwing-Sandwing hybrid...Then next to them stood Starflight, who was being helped up the platform by the Nightwing from earlier, Fatespeaker.

"Okay, glad I have your attention." Tsunami yelled. A few giggles from the dragonets below answered. She glared at the two dragonets. "We are going to separate you all into your winglets. I don't want any complaining."

Sunny whispered something in her ear about being 'loud and bossy', and the Seawing princess grumbled and took a step back.

"Thank you, Tsunami." Sunny began, and turned back to everyone." I just wanted to welcome you all to Jade Mountain! Remember, this is a place of peace, and all tribes are welcome! We don't want any fighting, please. Now, as Tsunami kindly stated, we're gathering each Winglet so you may meet each other. Jade Mountain is a place for all dragonets to get along and learn about one another, after all."

Clay spoke this time, "Alright, so the Citrine Winglet will be gathering first. We need Cyro, Tornado, Sandstorm, Tadpole, Seaweed, Gecko, and Prophecyteller to meet in the history room. Jambu will guide you all there."

At that, Jambu glided down the platform, landing at the open doorway. Clearly excited, he raised his pink wings. "You heard Clay, follow me!"

Artemis hugged her sister as she walked off. Clay started calling off the Brass Winglet.

As Shadowbender left with his winglet, he brushed his wing against her own, giving her a gentle smile. She tried her hardest to not to stutter her goodbye.

Soon, that all was left was her Winglet, the Opal Winglet. Sunny had left with the Brass Winglet, so Tsunami, Clay, Starflight and Fatespeaker were still there.

"You guys will stay here." Tsunami said. "Now go socialize and stuff!"

Artemis looked around nervously, seriously wondering why she ever thought this to be a good idea- but her nervousness diminished as soon as she saw Mamba.

"Hey!" Mamba exclaimed. She and Artemis high-taloned. Artemis scanned the room, almost falling back in surprise. Mudpuddle and Tempest suddenly stood on their right, while three other dragons stood on the left.

"What are you supposed to be?" One of the dragons, a tan Sandwing with a scar down his chest sneered, pointing at Tempest with his tail. Artemis remembered him from earlier, he was chasing the smaller Sandwing, who she now knew as Sandstorm.

Tempest raised a brow.

"And what are you supposed to be?" She retorted. "I don't think a Sandwing should have a Seawing name, Crabby."

"Oh! You just got burned, my friend." A pale green Seawing laughed to the Sandwing.

"Shut up Seaglass."

"You shut up, Potent," a glittering blue Icewing growled, looking at the Seawing as he gave him a curt nod.

"Yes yes boys, you're all very intimidating." Mamba snapped. "I think we should introduce ourselves now." Said the Rainwing, looking at the three males.

"So I'm Mamba." Mamba stated glumly.

"I'm Seaglass." The Seawing said, flashing a toothy grin at the group.

"Potent." The Sandwing responded, not nearly as enthusiastic.

"Tempest!" Crowed the tribrid, extravagant wings spread.

"I'm Mudpuddle." The mahogany colored dragonet answered.

"Snowfall." Said the Icewing, who was narrowing his eyes at Seaglass.

"I'm Artemis." She smiled, attempting to show a good attitude.

"Pretty name." Potent tilted his head.

"Whoa. The tough Sandwing act faded quickly." Tempest laughed.

Potent growled at her. "She just hasn't annoyed me yet."

"Interesting." Snowfall snorted.

"Excuse my Clawmates for being...well...themselves." Seaglass said.

"Watch it Seaglass." Potent growled, and Tempest giggled again.

Snowfall swung his ice-blue tail. "So. Just a warning to all of you. As long as you stay in your bubble, and leave me in mine, we should get along fine."

Seaglass poked him. "Really?"

"Don't make me freeze you, Seawing." Snowfall growled.

Seaglass just snorted and laughed. "You're lovely."

Wonderful. Artemis thought sarcastically. Part of her tried to tell her they weren't all that bad.

But as she scanned the room...Mudpuddle in a corner behind Mamba, Snowfall and Seaglass snapping remarks at one another, Potent threatening Tempest with his tail while Mamba threatened them both, her hopes slowly sunk.

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