Chapter 3

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-Two years later, after the war of the Sandwing Succession-

"Wretched little monster!" Artemis snarled, chasing after the tiny jet black dragonet that evaded her talons.

The dragonet just squealed and flapped faster, her talons raking the top of the trees as she mocked her older sister.

"Artemis is sl-o-o-w!"

Artemis growled in frustration and chased after Nightsong, diving over and under tree branches, but she was slowed at many of these obstacles. She had to find different ways around as Nightsong was smaller and more lithe than her. Her tail lashed furiously behind her as she watched Nightsong dash into their cave. This was no playful chase.

"I can't believe you!" She hissed, landing at the entrance, the black dragonet in front of her just sticking out her tongue and raising her wings.

"Knock it off." Prophecyteller voiced from the corner of the room with her nose in a scroll- Artemis muttering under her breath.

"That little viper destroyed my sculpture. I was working on it for days and it was nearly done, but now it's gone, thanks to her!"

"Make another one." Said Nightsong snottily.

"I wish I could make another one of you and get rid of the old version." Artemis said through grit teeth, dropping the blackened and charred wooden sculpure on the cave floor.


Artemis suddenly straighted up as her mother and father entered from their part of the cave.

Dreamcatcher was still panther-like and beautiful, but the years had quite worn down on her. The dark circles under her eyes and lines in her face were proof of that.

"How many times must we tell you to stop making so much noise and stay within the circle of boulders!" Dreamcatcher hissed as she circled her dragonets, grey eyes on Artemis in particular. "Need I remind you of what happened the last time you decided to go and have fun. Do you really want to endanger this family again? Don't be so foolish. We raised you better."

Artemis set her jaw and sat down, stone faced as she began picking up the broken pieces of her sculpture.

"And look at the mess in here!" Dreamcatcher cried, Blacktalon stoic and silent beside her as always, neck hunched. "By the moons, Artemis, can't you ever go a day without causing trouble? "

Obviously not. She thought.

"Artemis was chasing me." Nightsong whined, tugging on her mother's wing. "She called me a viper and-"

"And always starting fights with your sisters! Great stars above why must you be like this." Dreamcatcher exclaimed, and Artemis rolled her eyes.

"Dreamcatcher." Blacktalon said quietly, and Artemis was startled by his sudden movement. He actually said something, for once. "Not now."

Dreamcatcher flicked her tail and cast a withering gaze across Artemis, who rolled her eyes again with extra emphasis.

"Learn to have some respect." Dreamcatcher snapped, her grey eyes flashing coldly.  "I don't see why we've kept you around for so long." She rumbled, mostly to herself, but Artemis heard it.

She tried to not let it get to her. She really did. But despite everything, she couldn't fight back the stinging in her jaw as she ground her teeth, fighting back the pained grimace she felt coming on. Her chest burned, and she coughed and looked to the ground.

"You're going to be leaving." Blacktalon said suddenly, and Artemis snapped her head back up. "Your forms for the Academy have arrived. You've both been accepted."

Artemis nearly cried out in relief. Finally she wouldn't be stuck here with the angry dragons she was disdained to call family. She could make friends, she could learn more! So much more about history and art and reading-

She clutched her talons to her chest, overwhelmed.

"When are we leaving?" She exclaimed, wings fluttering at her side. She noticed that her parents had turned to Prophecy instead, right as her sister asked the same question.

"Tomorrow at sunrise." Dreamcatcher stated, suddenly taking her wing and enveloping Prophecyteller in her embrace, pulling the dragonet to her. But not with much tenderness.

Still more than Artemis ever got.

"We're going to miss you, Prophecy."

Of course they were.

Artemis growled and turned on her heels, more or less storming into her small room. She didn't need much space for herself, it was her projects that took up most of the area. Her talons grazed the tops of the wooden sculptures, hours of hard work and carving having gone into them. What else could she do?

Most of them were new, but she kept a few old ones, just to see her improvement. She gave a weak chuckle as she spotted her very first- a  short Nightwing with limbs that didn't even come close to being the same size. Black paint marked the eyes.

She took the bag that hung over a sharp rock that protruded from the wall, walking alongside her sculptures and picking a few to bring with her. She could maybe trade them, sell them off. Make some money that way. She just wondered if dragons would even be interested.

She brought a few, those being two gold eyed Skywings she made from memory, a Rainwing she made off of the description in scrolls, and a Nightwing, that once bore resemblance to her mother. She had tried to give it to her. She just held it in her talons with a dissapointed stare before handing it back to the dragonet without a word.

Leaving at sunrise? No way. I'm out of here. She thought to herself as she stuffed a map in her bag and searched for the last thing she would bring.

There, resting across the wings of a Skywing sculpture was a necklace. She had it for as long as she could remember. She figured it was something her parents had given her when she was younger, but she couldn't recall any memories of it. It was just there, like a friend you didn't know you had until you really needed them.

It was a simple silver necklace. A black stone lay on a beaten silver backing, four dragon tails curling around it to hold it in place. The chain shimmered as she put it over her head and let it rest against her chest.

She closed her eyes and let the wave of warmth it created flow over her. Small tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she opened them and started forward to the wide opening in the cliffside that served as her window.

Her talons rested at the bottom of it before she pulled herself up, tail flicking behind her as her gaze wandered across the tall trees that surrounded her home.

She spotted the ring of large boulders around her home that marked their boundaries. Far enough apart to not be suspicious, but close enough to find them when you were looking for them. Blacktalon had placed them there after...the incident with the Skywing.

She leapt out of the window, letting the air catch her wings and propel her forwards. She felt a great sense of peace as she glided over the boulders.

Artemis didn't look back.

The Story of Artemis- Wings of FireWhere stories live. Discover now