Season 1 Ep. 1: Mistake

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TW: Abuse

It started during Katsuki's first week of preschool. His class had worked on their ABCs, and each child brought home a work sheet where they had practiced their letters. Katsuki showed the paper to his mother, proud of what he'd done. Most of the letters were near perfect, except for his Bs and Ds, which he'd switched up. Katsuki's teachers had told him it was normal and most of the kids had done the same, but Mitsuki did not have the same idea. Instead of a "good job!" Katsuki got a smack on the cheek.

He was stunned. His mother had never done anything like this before, now all of a sudden she expected him to be the best.

This expectation followed Katsuki wherever he went, making him seem to have a competitive nature, when really he was doing his best to avoid his mother's wrath. Sadly, no matter how hard he tried, Katsuki was never good enough. Almost daily, Mitsuki found some mistake in her sons work, and punished him for it.

A misspelled word, a single incorrect math problem, anything that wasn't perfect, Mitsuki would find it. Katsuki knew he couldn't speak up, for fear of his mother finding out and beating him senseless. So, with his life the way it was, Katsuki took his emotions out on Deku, his childhood friend.

He became a bully, shutting out anyone who didn't like his ways. Katsuki put on the mask of a confident, mean boy, when in reality he was a timid and shy little kid. He hated how he felt, how his mother was obsessed with having a perfect son, but it was his life, his normal. Katsuki couldn't fight back.


Years passed by with the same routine. Go to school. Bully Deku. Work hard. Go home. Do homework. Mitsuki finds a mistake. Get beaten up. Sleep.

It didn't really hurt as much anymore, something Katsuki noticed with a ping of sadness. This truly was his life. Though maybe he'd be able to get away once Highscool started.

The final year of Middle school rolled around, and Katsuki had his hopes high, or, his mother did. Mitsuki pushed him each day to apply to UA, in hopes her son would someday be the #1 hero. Katsuki finally sent an application letter to the school, and waited anxiously for a reply. Even if he was accepted, he'd still have to go through the written and physical exams for even a chance to get into UA. All Katsuki could do was hope he was accepted, he didn't know what his mother would do if he wasn't.


One day while Katsuki was cleaning a wound, the result of getting beaten the previous day, Mitsuki called him into the home's living room. She did not sound happy.

When Katsuki walked in, Mitsuki waved a letter in front of his face. "Wanna tell be why this says 'Not accepted'?!" She yelled, crumbling up the letter and throwing it at her son. Katsuki felt his heart drop. Not accepted? But.. he'd tried so hard.. he'd done everything right! Mitsuki didn't wait for answer.


Katsuki was thrown to the ground, rain pouring down around him. He'd been thrown out of the front door, onto the street. His mother yelled insults and threats at him before she slammed the door shut.

It took him a moment to realize what had happened before Katsuki got up and ran to the door. He banged on the wood, yelling, begging his mother to let him inside.

"I'll do better! I'll try again I promise! Please let me in!" He screamed.

The front door light was switched off from inside, along with the rest of the house lights. Katsuki kept trying, kept begging, but it was no use. He held back a sob as he stopped trying. He'd been abandoned, and he knew it.

He'd tried so hard to do everything right, to please his mother's expectations, but it never worked. It was his fault, he'd kept making mistakes, he hadn't tried hard enough. He really was a mistake, just like his mother said.

Katsuki pushed down his emotions, his thoughts focused on what he would do next. Obviously, he was alone, abandoned by his mother. He could go to Deku for help.. no, that's too embarrassing, especially after all Katsuki had done to him. He also didn't want to get Mitsuki in trouble. She just wanted the best for him, right? Surely that's why she pushed him so far... right..?

Katsuki took a deep breath, beginning to trudge through the rain. He'd find somewhere to go, maybe an alleyway.. and he'd find some clothes. He'd survive.

Katsuki walked through the neighborhood, keeping his head down. Hopefully nobody recognized him. He kept looking for a secluded place he could hold up for a while, someplace to call a temporary home. But he saw nothing, just houses and buildings, all inhabited. Katsuki reached town, only a few stores still open, most of which were near closing time or 24 hour shops.

He kept walking, kept looking, and finally spotted an alleyway. Katsuki looked around before walking in, sitting against the wall. The fire escape sitting a story or two above him kept the rain off Katsuki, giving him a momentary shelter. He was still soaked to the bone, and he knew he'd have to find something better, but this sufficed for now.

Katsuki didn't allow himself to think of what had happened, only of what he'd do to survive. He was only a kid, but looked old enough that he could take care of himself, so he couldn't rely on some Good Samaritan. Katsuki would have to fend for himself. He was scared, as anyone would be in that situation, yet somehow his mothers expectation still weighed on him.

"Don't make a mistake."

Hi!! Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my story! If you want to go ahead and see what will happen next you can check out my YouTube channel, Simplxy_Absurd for my Villain Bakugou AU series! I have 12 parts out as of the day I'm posting this, so the story is already pretty far along! However if you'd like to wait and see what happens to Katsuki here, feel free to do that as well! Again tysm for reading and I hope you have an awesome day!

(Ps: I'll try not to take 3 months to update this lol)

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