Season 1 Ep. 3: Safe

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Katsuki awoke on a rickety old bed, though it was much more comfortable then concrete. He contemplated just staying there and sleeping longer, but just as the thought crossed his mind a person entered the room. The person wore a baggy white t-shirt and jeans, both of which seemed to be a little charred. The persons body was a mixture of purple scars and pale skin, held together by what looked to be staples.

The person also had jet black hair which almost covered their eyes. Their eye-color was a bright teal, and Katsuki finally realized who this person was. They were the one who saved him from that gang.

The person chuckled, noticing Katsuki's change in expression as they walked over to him. The person was holding a glass of water and a bowl of something, Katsuki couldn't see what was in the dish. "Figured you'd be hungry." The person said as they handed Katsuki the bowl and glass of water. He could now see that the bowl had cereal in it, most likely some off brand version of that Charms cereal. His mother always insisted on the gross Honey-Os or whatever it was called..

Katsuki hesitated on eating, watching the person as they sat on a chair next to his bed. "Well, go on." The person nudged. Finally Katsuki started eating his cereal, starting slowly at first before wolfing down the entire meal. The only things he'd had in the last month or two was stale bread or cold scraps of food. To him, this might as well have been the holy grail.

The person laughed "Geez, I guess I can't blame you too much." Katsuki finished his cereal and then drank his cup of water, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "Well, time for introductions I suppose, never really been a fan of those but I'd rather have something to call you then just 'kid'. Anyways, what's your name kid?"

Katsuki finished the last of his water, staring at the person for a moment before answering "B.. Ba.. Katsuki. Katsuki's my name" He didn't want to be associated with his mom, even with a last name. The person nodded, "Cool, and you can call me Dabi."

Katsuki looked down at the blanket covering him, contemplating on whether or not to ask a question. Katsuki decided he would, "why.. why did you help me? Why were you nice to me..?"

Dabi began studying the ground, considering his response. "I.. saw myself in you.. in a sense." Katsuki waited for him to say more but nothing else was revealed.

All of a sudden the door to the room burst open, two figures pushing through. "Shiggy won't share the game!" "I got this for myself go get your own!" The two figures shouted, another appearing behind them.

The person trying to get the game console was a blond headed girl, wearing a simple hoodie and shorts combo. The person who was attempting to keep the console from the girl had light blue hair and looked to be a male. He wore a tshirt, jacket and sweat pants. Finally, the figure behind the two was very different from the wrestling duo. Instead of a head, the person had black and purple wisps of smoke. Their face consisted purely of two yellow blobs of smoke, which seemed to be their eyes. This person wore a collared shirt and vest, complete with a tie. They also wore black suit bottoms and a strange metal device around where their neck would be.

Dabi sighed, "and these are the people I put up with"

"Kuro tell him it's my turn!!" The blonde whined, looking back at the wisp person, who seemed to sigh. 'Shiggy', as the blonde had called him, grumbled and tried to continue what was happening in his game.

"Cut it out you two." Dabi groaned, glaring at the girl and 'Shiggy'. "We'll do this quick, weird blonde is Toga, crusty face is Shigaraki, as you can probably tell we call him Shiggy, and then wispy is Kurogiri. Woopeedoo introductions done."

Katsuki nodded, just watching Toga and Shigaraki continuing to fight. Finally Kurogiri stepped in, grabbing the game console and throwing it to the ground. Instead of the game shattering, a purple portal opened up, teleporting the game to who knows where.

"Kurogiri come on!" Shigaraki groaned. Katsuki could tell now why Dabi had called him crusty face. Even his voice was scratchy sounding.

"No. You two have fought enough." The wisp person retorted, sounding like a father scolding his children. Toga huffed, turning her focus to Katsuki and Dabi "Ah my twin is awake!" She said happily, skipping over to the two as if nothing had happened.

Toga sat on the end of Katsuki's bed, smiling at him. Katsuki could see her teeth were sharper then a normal human's, and her eyes were a toxic shade of yellow. "Well, I can't just call you twin all the time!" Toga looked from Dabi to Katsuki, expecting a name.

"Just call him Katsuki." Dabi answered. Shigaraki eyed the teen from his place near the door. "I still don't get why you brought him back. He's just a waste of time." Shigaraki scoffed, knowing Katsuki wouldn't be of any use to them right now. The teen didn't say anything, staring at the ground.

These people were the best group he'd met in ages. At least one of them seemed to care about him, even if just a little bit. Dabi had saved him from thugs for goodness sakes! Katsuki really hoped he'd be able to stay with them for a bit, just to get his footing and figure out what to do.

Dabi seemed to read Katsuki's mind, nudging the teen's leg with his knee "hey, you'll be fine. We're not getting rid of you that quickly. That's just how Shiggy talks." Katsuki nodded, though he wasn't convinced.

"I suggest we give him a moment to process." Kurogiri chimed in. From their tone of voice, the wisp person seemed to be a male. His voice was smooth but had a weird echo to it. It was different then anything Katsuki had heard before.

Dabi nodded, Toga pouted, and Shigaraki rolled his eyes. He was the first one out of the room, brushing past Kurogiri, followed by Toga who waved goodbye. The wisp person turned and left, leaving Katsuki and Dabi alone.

"Look, I'll be just down the hall if you need anything. And just ignore whatever Shiggy says, he pretty much just says the most hurtful thing he can think of." Dabi gave Katsuki a smile before standing up and walking out of the room. Now, Katsuki was completely alone again.

The teen sat still for a minute, turning over everything that had just happened in his mind. One second he was in an ally way, getting beat up by a gang. Next second he was surrounded by blue flames and passing out. Now he was here, with the strangest of people.

Katsuki didn't know what to feel, what to say, how to act. It was all so confusing but somehow comforting. He had a bed for the time being, something to eat even if it was cereal, and seemingly he had a person who cared about him. A person who somehow understood.

Katsuki sat, thinking about all that had happened. Thinking about how much his life had changed in the last few months. He hadn't allowed himself to think much about anything, not until he was safe. But was he safe? He didn't know.

There seemed to be more that Dabi wasn't telling him, something more that they were hiding. But for right now, Katsuki didn't really care. As long as they didn't hurt him, he was going to stay as long as he could. But still, his mind wouldn't leave the question be:

Was he really safe?

Hey!!! So sorry it took me so long to finish this! I've been dealing with a lot irl and this has been at the back of my mind. Hopefully I'll be able to post more but no promises! Thanks so much for reading this though!

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