Season 1 Ep. 6: Broken

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TW: V!olence, implied svbstance use, Trauma about abvse

The red head activated his quirk just before Dynamite tried to blast him with his. The other boy's arms had hardened like ice or rock, and he'd put them in front of his face to shield himself from the blow. Dynamite clenched his teeth, yelling, "cmon! Lighten up a little! It'll only hurt for a minute.."

"Ah, no thanks man! I don't want to b-" the red head had begun to say before Dynamite kicked him in the stomach. The boy hadn't had enough time to fully protect himself, and while his quirk was able to activate, it hadn't worked fully. The kick sent him stumbling back, yet he managed to catch himself.

Dynamite advanced while the other boy was still down. Alas, it was only a hoax. The red head suddenly slammed his fist, rock solid due to his quirk, into the blonde's chin. Dynamite fell back, his vision blurry. He struggled to pull himself away from unconsciousness. The blow had earned him a few new scars, though only cuts for now, and most notably, a slash through his lip, and of course multiple bruises.

The two continued their fight, a couple blows landing on the villain, a few landing on the hero. They were both very skilled at fighting, however Dynamite had an advantage with his quirk.

An explosion launched Dynamite into the air, giving himself time to recover. He contemplated what to do, not really wanting to waste his energy on killing the hero. Besides, with a quirk like that, he didn't think it'd take much for a low level villain to do the job for him.

While he was thinking, the red head suddenly yelled. Dynamite looked down just in time to see the tips of his hair disappear into one of Kurogiri's portals. He rolled his eyes, sighing. "Could've taken him myself."

The portal closed, and the villain, now on the ground, turned around. He was about to walk away, to find another measly hero to torment, until he was knocked to the ground by a person. Dynamite gasped for air, finally opening his eyes to see what he could do. He stopped moving when he realized who it was.

The person, a boy, had fluffy green hair and bright green eyes. His face was twisted in rage, but it was still the same kid. Katsuki muttered something, inaudible, before remembering he was still fighting.

The blonde rolled to the side just before the green haired boy punched the spot where his head would've been. Dynamite scrambled to get out from under the other boy, using his quirk to blast himself into the air.

"You don't get to run away!!" The boy yelled behind him, launching himself into the air with his own quirk. Dynamite looked over his shoulder, scowling. If the hero wanted a fight, he would give him a fight.

Dynamite then suddenly turned, setting off multiple explosions to fly straight towards the boy. He lifted his arm, waiting for the right moment... BOOM. The blonde smiled as the ash cleared, the expression fading when he saw his hand grasping at plain air. The boy had dodged his attack, now just inches away from Dynamite's hand.

The villain could only watch as a black tendril quickly wrapped around his wrist, then his leg, and in an instant he was slammed into the ground. Katsuki gasped for air, his lungs feeling like they couldn't breathe. He managed to open his eye while attempting to recover, staring at the sight above him.

The black tendrils were coming out of the boy's back. Teal lightning sparked around his body, mostly his right hand. His expression was pure hatred and disgust, like Katsuki was the worst thing he'd ever seen.

Katsuki instinctively started struggling against the black tendrils, his mind flashing through a hundred memories of Mitsuki. Suddenly he was in the memories, reliving his most hated moments. He yelled out, pleading "PLEASE! STOP!"

His vision blurred between reality and memory. He fought against the quirk restraining him. Finally, the kid screamed "DEKU PLEASE HELP ME!! I'M SORRY! PLEASE!"

Deku faltered, the black restraints loosened. He fell, barely landing on his feet in his shock. The other boy's eyes were hazy, staring it something, or someone, not there.

How did this.. villain... know his name? Well.. hadn't the hero names gone public? But.. but why would he have asked for help? From a hero? They hate heros.. why.. why would h-

"Kacchan?" Deku muttered in disbelief. His memory sped back to the last time he'd seen the other boy, almost 3 years ago. He looked down again. How was this the same boy?

Katsuki was still screaming and pleading, his mind not fully there. He started scooting back, as if a monster was coming towards him. The kid finally turned around and stood up, running in the opposite direction. He stumbled multiple times, but kept running.

Deku shook himself out of it, yelling, "Wait! Kacchan!" before taking off after the other teen. He made it only a few steps until someone else rushed past him. He realized too late it was his teacher.


The pro hero's hair flew up, his quirk activating, as he skillfully slung his long grey scarf around the villain. He pulled, tightening the fabrics hold, as the boy fell to the ground. The villain started struggling, yelling incoherent words.

What was this guy on? Whatever, it'll just get him more time in jail. Aizawa sighed, standing up. He looked behind him, spotting Midoriya racing towards him. As soon as the boy reached him, he started rambling off everything his mind came up with at 110 mph. Aizawa grabbed the kid by his shoulders to try to steady him.

"Slow down Midoriya. What are you talking about?"

"The villain! It- he's- I know him! Please Mr Aizawa you have to understand he's supposed to be-"

Aizawa suddenly turned as he noticed the villain trying desperately to scoot away. He went to run after him, but was held back by Midoriya grabbing his wrist.

"Mr Aizawa please! He's not here! Not in his mind! He's supposed to be dead sir! Please don't do anything else!

The pro hero turned back him, giving his student a confused look. In the silence he realized why the villain's words were mumbled and incoherent.

Aizawa looked down at his wrist, waiting for Midoriya to release it, before walking slowly over to the villain. He crouched down next to his head, surprised to see the terrified face of a boy, sobbing.

Katsuki had finally broken.

Mmm love some very dramatic angst.

Oh yeah

Hello again!

This was a doozy of a chapter to write, since I haven't written fight scenes before. So I'm sorry if it isn't too accurate. I also apologize if the flashback episode isn't realistic! I suppose my promise of not waiting 3 months between chapters has been broken lol. I'm back (obviously) and I hope to continue this! I may even continue the whole series over on YouTube.. Anyways thank you so much for reading this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed!

Have an awesome day, stay safe!

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