Season 1 Ep. 11: Silence

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TW: Sorta Graphic descriptions

It'd been months since he started school, and the whispers still hadn't died down. Yet, it didn't bother Katsuki that much. Isuku had introduced Katsuki to some of his friends, Kirishima, Sero, Denki, Mina, and a few others, but those four in particular seemed like what friends should be. So when Katsuki wasn't studying or working on projects, he was with those five.

It seemed like things really might get better. Katsuki had Aizawa and his friends, he had school, and so far it was almost more than he could've ever hoped for. Almost..

Katsuki sat at his work station, fiddling with a laser gun. The Support Course Workshop had emptied after school, but Katsuki was determined to finish this project before going home. The laser component's switch required much of his concentration to not accidentally activate all of its power, so it was nearly all he could focus on.

Katsuki heard the door to the workshop open, followed by a familiar cheery voice.

"Hey Kacchan!"

Katsuki smiled as he looked behind him, completely forgetting his project. He opened his mouth to reply just as his hand shoved its tool into the laser component's switch, activating the entirety of the weapons power. The gun wasn't made for that to happen, it was only supposed to activate in short surges, so, with a loud BOOM, the weapon exploded in Katsuki's hands.

The explosion sent him flying backwards, landing on his back. The wind forced itself out of his chest, leaving him struggling for air. Katsuki turned over, holding himself up with his hands as he coughed, trying to breathe. After a moment he finally felt like his lungs could work properly, and then noticed the ringing in his ears.

The sound was the worst in his left ear, but both rang continuously. Katsuki put his hands to his ears, trying to block out the noise, but it was no use. It was something only he could hear. When he pulled his hands down, fresh blood stained his skin.

"What..?" He knew he'd whispered it, only because he had intended to, but he couldn't hear himself. Katsuki tried again, louder this time, still nothing. Then he was shouting, screaming, begging to hear something, anything.

Suddenly Isuku was there, grabbing his wrists, trying to calm him. His mouth was moving, but Katsuki couldn't hear anything except that stupid RINGING.

"PLEASE ISUKU LET ME HEAR SOMETHING I CAN'T HEAR ISUKU PLEASE!" Katsuki screamed as tears started streaming down his face.

Isuku's eyes went wide as he looked from Katsuki's hands, to his ears, and finally his face. Isuku's mouth formed words the blonde couldn't decipher through his blurry vision, and then the green haired boy had hoisted the other up, pulling the blonde's arm around his shoulder and forcing him to walk.

Katsuki was a mess. His face was covered in ash and blood and tears, his hair was stained red around his ears, his hands were injured themselves, and his uniform was stained with blood. So when Isuku finally got him to Recovery Girl's office, there was a fair bit of panic.

Katsuki was ordered to sit on one of the beds as Recovery Girl examined him thoroughly. He could see her talking, but the sound never reached his ears. The ringing had died down, almost completely gone, but now the world was eerily silent. 

Recovery Girl, Isuku, the whirring desk fan, the buzzing LED lights, the birds just outside the office's window, his breathing, everything was silent.

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