Season 1 Ep. 8: Justice

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TW: Truama, child abvse

The car ride there was silence, Katsuki's head seemingly stuck looking down. Aizawa didn't seem to mind though, and didn't attempt to make conversation.

The car pulled into the driveway of a small house, with way too many cat statues outside. A few toys littered the yard, telling any who looked that a kid had had a very fun time.

The two got out of the car, and Aizawa led the way up the steps, pausing to unlock the front door. On the concrete were multiple chalk drawings, most of cats, though a few with simple stick figures. The stick figure drawings generally depicted three people, a person with long black hair, a person with spiky purple hair, and a kid with long blue hair.

Katsuki pulled his focus from the doodles as Aizawa opened the front door, leading him inside. The older man pointed out the different rooms in the house. First the kitchen, the living room, and down a hallway were the bedrooms. One bedroom door had a bright, childish sign hung on it, with "Eri's Room" painted in messy letters.

Aizawa opened one bedroom door and walked in, turning around to face the teen. "This will be your room. There's not much in here, I apologize for that. It was all I had on such short notice. If there's anything you need, let me know. Eri, my.. daughter I suppose, lives here too, though she's at school right now. You can meet her later."

Aizawa paused to see if the blonde would say something, continuing when he was met with silence.

"I suppose I'll let you get settled for now."

Katsuki just nodded, his gaze fixed on the floor. Aizawa frowned and walked past the teen to leave, stopping in the doorway.

"It.. probably sounds stupid with what you've been through but.. are you okay?" He asked, looking back at the boy, who just stood there, silent. Slowly, barely, the teen shook his head, gripping the trash bag containing his few items tighter.

Aizawa turned back around, walking in front of the kid again. "Can I give you a hug?" He asks. Katsuki didn't respond, and instead leaned forward, putting his forehead to Aizawa's shoulder, accepting in a gesture instead of words. The older man smiled, just a bit, and wrapped the teen in a hug.

Katsuki just seemed to melt in the embrace, his belongings falling to the floor with a dull THUNK as he hugged Aizawa back, burying his face in the man's shoulder as he fights back tears. Aizawa just rubbed his back, saying,

"You'll be alright kid, we'll figure this all out."



The insult echoed through the room as mom screamed. Katsuki sobbed quietly, holding his throbbing cheek with both hands. The collar of his preschool uniform was already soaked with tears. The boy trembled as he looked up at momma, standing above him with so much anger.


Katsuki flinched as momma raised her hand to smack him again. She would've hit him had dad not grabbed her hand to hold back her strike. The two started to argue, through it was mostly one sided, but Katsuki couldn't hear them over the sound of his sobs getting louder and louder.

Before momma could hit him again, he ran to his room, shakily locking his door shut before collapsing to the ground to break apart.

He didn't hit the ground though. Suddenly, he was in the bathroom, staring at a middle school version of himself in the mirror. His hair stood on end as Mitsuki yelled from the living room.


She was angry, really angry. He sprinted to the living room as fast as possible, putting on a nervous smile which quickly vanished upon seeing Mitsuki's face. Pure hatred.

The yelling blurred together with the beating. This was so much worse than normal. He was defenseless. Dad wasn't home. No one was stopping her. No one could stop her. Despite his screams, no one was coming to his rescue. No one ever would.

Katsuki bolted upright in bed, barely stopping his scream. His body was covered in a cold sweat. It was so real. He thought. It was real, it did happen. He reminded himself.

But she's not here. She can't hurt you anymore. He thought as he climbed out of bed, walking to the bathroom. Turning on the sink, splashing cold water on his face, wiping it dry with a towel. He walked to the kitchen, surprised to see Aizawa sitting there with a mug of coffee.

"Can't sleep either, eh?"

Katsuki shook his head, grabbed a cup from the cupboard and filled it with water. Turning around and leaning on the counter's edge, the teen sighed.

"Nightmares.. again.. of my mom."

Aizawa nodded. "Eri gets still them pretty often too. Do.. you want to talk about them? Talking seems to help Eri." He offered.

Katsuki shook his head again. "I just.. want to do something. About her."

"Like what?"

"I.. don't know.. like... court or something."

Aizawa face showed his surprise. "Court? You're sure?"

"I said or something like it.. I just.. I..." Katsuki pauseed, contemplating on saying his real thoughts or not. "I want to make her pay, Aizawa. I want her to hurt like she hurt me."


"What?" Katsuki looked at the older man.

"Okay. We'll do that. We'll figure it out."

"But.. won't it be more difficult with.. what I've done?"

"Yes, but if I'm behind you, as a hero, backing you with whatever you say, they've got to see what you do in her."

Katsuki nodded. Aizawa got up from the table, the chair's legs scraping against the floor. He walked over next to the teen, leaning on the counter beside him.

"I'm with you, alright? If you're 100% about this, I'll make it happen."

"You'll get justice, Katsuki."

Hello again!


I know, I know, I had to have used witchcraft to finish it this fast, but we are out of milk and sadly don't have a spell for that so, be prepared if I ever disappear lol.

In all seriousness, thank you so much for reading this chapter! I'm on a writing kick right now so we'll see how much we get out of this before it fizzles out lol.

Also for a bit of context, the dream part happens after Katsuki has been living with Aizawa for a bit. And apologizes if Aizawa doesn't act at all how he would actually act, I haven't watched the show in forever (and never read the manga) so I've forgotten how he acts lol.

Again tysm for reading this chapter, and I hope to update soon!

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