Season 1 Ep. 10: Accepted

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The house was silent when Aizawa returned from work. Quietly entering the home, Aizawa set his things down on the kitchen table before going to check on Eri. On his way through the living room, he spotted a certain purple haired kid crashed on the couch, with a blanket laid over top of him.

Aizawa chuckled and continued on his way, making a mental note to text Shinso's parents about this. Making it to Eri's room, he carefully opened the door, just a crack. Sure enough, she was tucked into bed, fast asleep.

Aizawa smiled as he shut the door softly, noticing the light coming from Katsuki's room. Making his way to the teens open door, he was not surprised to see the blonde asleep at his desk, using his arms as a pillow. Textbooks and paper were strewn across the wooden surface, a pencil still in Katsuki's hand.

Aizawa sighed, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around the teen's shoulders, taking the pencil from his hand and laying it on the table. This happened a lot. He turned off the desk lamp and made his way back to the door, switching the light off. He stood in the doorway, just watching the blonde boy, sleeping peacefully.

"Goodnight Katsuki." Aizawa whispered before closing the door.


"Katsuki!" Eri called, leaning her small head into the teen's room. "Papa wants you in the kitchen." Katsuki smiled as he stood, ruffling the girl's hair. "Thanks snowball." Eri smiled at the nickname, skipping after the blonde as he made his way to the kitchen.

Katsuki paused when he spotted Aizawa, holding a letter in his hands with an expression somehow mixed between anxiety and hope. "Is that..?" The teen asked, sucking in a breath when Aizawa nodded. "It just came in."

Katsuki steadied himself with the table, plopping into a chair with a worried sigh. Eri ran over to Aizawa, tugging on his sleeve as if to see the letter. "This is Katsuki's, Eri. Be patient." He said, crouching down and handing her the letter. "Why don't you bring it to him?"

Eri smiled at her little task, carrying the letter to Katsuki with the steadiest of steps. She held it out to him, asking, "What is it?" Katsuki took the letter, his future, with a small smile, "Hopefully good news."

Eri stood next to him, practically vibrating with excitement at what was in this envelope. She seemed to have a weird obsession with mail and packages, but this was a different kind of mail. Katsuki held the letter gingerly in his hands, staring at what might very well determine his life.

He took a shaky breath as he carefully opened the envelope, as if damaging the paper would also damage his future. Pulling the paper out, unfolding it, he forced his eyes to read every line:


Thank you for applying for the Support Course at UA. Given your age, background and lack of high schooling, the decision was a difficult one to make. However, after much consideration, we are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into the UA Support Course.

Katsuki whispered, "Accepted.." completely forgetting about the rest of the letter. "What?" Aizawa rushed around the table, leaning over the teen's shoulder, scanning the letter.

Everything was muffled until Aizawa grabbed Katsuki's shoulders, shaking him out of it. "You got in Katsuki! YOU GOT IN!" The letter flutter to the ground as the realization finally sunk in. The blonde stood, turning to Aizawa "I got in.. I.. I got in!" Eri looked between Katsuki and Aizawa with a very confused expression.

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