Season 1 Ep. 5: Debut

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"Get on the ground or you'll be dead!"

Heads turned and eyes widened, but everyone quickly laid on the ground.

"Any funny business happens?"

A crackle and bam sounded, and glass shattered. A couple people screamed from the noise, and soft whimpering came from at least two others. A quick chuckle, and the robber made his way past the bank teller's desk and down a hallway.

Down a flight of stairs, through 3 reinforced doors, a left, right, left again, down another staircase, a right, and finally, there was the Vault. The robber rubbed his hands together, a smirk on his face, and blew open the Vault door.

Inside the Vault, there were rows upon rows of silver drawers, each with a small white name tag. The robber immediately scanned the name tags, searching for one in particular. He pulled out one of the drawers, dumping the contents into a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

He paused and ended up tossing the drawer into his bag as well, figuring it could be used for evidence. Almost as an after thought, the robber grabbed a drawer with a tag reading the name of the richest man in the area. The robber stashed the drawer in his duffel bag and made his way over to an empty wall.

He started ruffling through his bag, and pulled out a can of neon orange spray paint. The robber shook it, and began spraying the paint onto the wall. Once he was finished, he put the spray paint back in his bag, and walked out to the main room.

He waltzed through the room, ignoring the quiet sobs from a few of the witnesses. The robber opened the bank's doors wide open, a cocky smile spreading across his lips, and walked outside.

Almost immediately cop cars surrounded him, and the policemen got out of their vehicles with their weapons drawn. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" One of the officers yelled.

"I don't think I will." The robber rolled his eyes, as if this standoff was an annoyance.


"Try to catch me first." The robber smirked.

A loud BOOM, and the fugitive was in the air. Guns fired, and more explosions sounded as the robber dodged the bullets. He was smiling, as if this was a game, and gave a quick two finger salute as he blasted off and over the buildings.

A news station theme played through the broken TV, and the scene soon changed to a live video of a reporter. The reporter stood outside of a bank, with yellow caution tape surrounding the building. The headline read, "A new villain struck, stealing thousands of dollars. No injuries or fatalities."

The reporter spoke into her microphone, delivering much of the same message.

"Thank you for joining us as we continue to investigate this new villain's appearance. The villain robbed the Goldleaf Bank in central Tokyo at around 4:52pm yesterday. There were thankfully no fatalities or even injuries, but belongings of two individuals have been reported as stolen. These two victims are Mitsuki Bakugou and Hugh Curnow, and every item of their's in the vault was taken. Police found spray paint inside the Vault, reading, 'Dynamite's the name.' "

"Security cameras around the city captured some video of a blonde male running through the streets, and occasionally using his quirk to blast himself in the air. This man is a suspect in this case, and if anyone has any information on the whereabouts of the suspect, please call 119 immediately. He is thought to be dangerous due to his quirk, so keep a sa-"

The broken tv clicked off, and the screen turned black.

"Good job Dynamite, though you shouldn't have stayed until the police arrived."

"Tch, I bet you've done the same." Dynamite scoffed.

"Still, you did good work today." The 1st voice said. A loud creak, and Dabi rose from the couch. He stretched, then walked past the other male. He ruffled the blondes hair as he passed and then called behind him, "Heading to bed, don't stay up too late."

The blonde mumbled a response but didn't move. He stared at the black screen of the television, the words of the reporter marinating in his mind.

"These two victims are Mitsuki Bakugou and-"

The contents of Mitsuki's vault drawer were nothing special, at least not to him, but it felt good to dump the crap in the trash cans. If only it could've been their owner herself..

Katsuki stood, the couch creaking at the movement, and made his way to his room. Twice was passed out on the bottom mattress of the bunk bed, his snores changing from a quiet sound to a loud snort with every breath. Katsuki grabbed one of the pillows which had been thrown on the floor and chucked it at Twice's face.

Completely unfazed by the impact, Twice kept snoring on. Katsuki grumbled and climbed into his bunk, staring at the ceiling just a few feet above him. The day's events replayed in his mind, and even if he'd gotten some kind of revenge, it wasn't enough. He wanted more.

The blonde grabbed a pocket knife from under his pillow and brought the blade to the concrete ceiling. He slowly carved letter after letter into his canvas, forming two words. He paused, as if he was done, then drew a long line through the first word. He then placed the pocket knife back under his pillow, staring at the words now on the ceiling.

He'd written "Katsuki" and "Dynamite". Katsuki had been crossed out, leaving only "Dynamite" still intact. He let the meaning of the words sink in, then turned on his side and closed his eyes.

Katsuki was no more. Dynamite however, was just getting started.

Hi!! Thank you so much for reading the 5th chapter of my story! I'll be doing something over the entire summer, so I'm not sure when I'll get to continue this, but I'm not abandoning it! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the story so far!

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