Season 1 Ep. 4: Training

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Nailing the dummy right on the nose, Katsuki's punch sent the training dummy flying into a tree. He raised a fist triumphantly, turning towards Dabi for approval. The black haired male walked over to inspect the dummy, looking back at Katsuki with a nod.

"Good job kid." Dabi smirked as Katsuki gave a whoop of victory, jumping into the air for extra pizzaz. "Alright alright, quit it." The older male scoffed, rolling his eyes. "What's next?" Katsuki asked, calming himself like Dabi instructed.

"Now, we duel."

Katsuki blinked, sure he hadn't heard him right. "Duel? Like.. fight each other?" Dabi nodded, opening then squeezing his hand into a fist a couple times, like he was checking his muscles still worked.

"Okay.." Katsuki mumbled, trying to mentally prepare himself for this. The blonde knew Dabi was powerful, you may even be able to say he greatly admired the older male. That made it even more difficult for Katsuki to get in the 'zone', but nonetheless he wasn't going to back down from a fight, not again.

Katsuki groaned as Dabi slammed him into the ground for the fourth time. They weren't even using their quirks and yet the Blonde was still loosing miserably. Dabi held out a hand, helping Katsuki up.

"You got this, cmon I've been training you for ages. Look if you want to stop for the day that's fine."

Katsuki shook his head, determined to get this right. Dabi shrugged, and got into position again. Katsuki rushed at the older male, attempting to knock him to the ground as Dabi had done to him multiple times. Still, the older male knew more, and got Katsuki to the ground, arm behind his back in a painful manner. Dabi let the blonde up, running a hand down his face.

"This is the fifth time Kat, why can't you get this right?"

Katsuki stretched his arm, wincing slightly as he scowled. "I'm trying I promise!"

"Are you sure? Cause right now it just looks like your trying to knock me over like a bull on a rampage. I've taught you so many tactics on how to kill people, if you can't get this right with me how will you ever become a good villain and take down 5 people at the time? Honestly it's not that difficult!" 

Katsuki stared at Dabi in shock, surprised that one of the only people he could call 'friend' was yelling at him. He felt something rising, thankfully not his lunch, but unfortunately it was his anger. The anger he'd spent years perfecting as a mask to his situation. He hated being angry, as it reminded him of Mitsuki, but he would not be pushed around like this again.

"No it's not difficult! Maybe you just didn't teach me enough! Not many people have spent their lives training to kill others like you so if you think everyone I'll be going after is like you you're wrong! I will take you down." Katsuki growled, rushing at Dabi.

The older male rolled his eyes as he assumed the blonde would just do as he'd done before. But as Dabi reached out to grab Katsuki again, he was surprised to see the blonde sliding under his arm. Katsuki jumped up behind his teacher, punching Dabi as he turned around. The black haired male stumbled back, clearly having underestimated the blonde's determination. Dabi wiped the side of his mouth with his arm, gritting his teeth as he ran towards Katsuki. The younger boy put his arms up, blocking most of the hits from Dabi. He was still punched a couple times though.

Dabi slammed his leg into Katsuki's side, nearly kicking the teen to the ground. Katsuki groaned, falling to his knees with his hands on his side. Dabi walked over to the teen, shaking his head. Katsuki looked up at Dabi, somehow smiling. Suddenly the blonde swung his leg around, swiping the older male's feet out from under him. Dabi landed on his back, hard. Katsuki quickly got up and pulled Dabi into a chokehold.

After a few moments the black haired male tapped Katsuki's arm, "Okay- okay let me up-!" He choked out. The teen smiled, letting go of Dabi with glee. Dabi caught his breath, looking back at Katsuki. "I knew you could do it."

"Wait what?! You said it was too difficult!" Katsuki questioned, to which Dabi responded with, "it was just to get you going. You gotta channel that energy if you're going to get anywhere." Katsuki nodded, seeing the logic behind it. "But you know I don't like getting angry.. at all.."

Dabi got up as he answered, "I know, but it was for a good reason, no?" Katsuki sighed, mumbling an, "I guess.." before getting an arm slung around him by Dabi. The teen thought about letting him, but decided against it, so instead pushed the older male off.

"You stink."

"So do you."

Katsuki rolled his eyes, but silently agreed. A purple, swirling portal opened up at the edge of the clearing in-between two trees. Katsuki smirked, yelling, "Last one there has bunk duty!" before running to the portal. Dabi opened his mouth to object, quickly realizing he was loosing time, then sprinted after the teen.

"WOOOOO!" Katsuki shouted, jumping with his hands in the air as he watched Dabi materialize from the portal behind him. "No fair, you barely gave me any warning." Katsuki shrugged, the portal behind the two of them closing. "No one said I had to."

"Shut it." Shigaraki grumbled as he walked around the corner. Toga came bounding after him and Katsuki quickly realized Toga had bedazzled Shiggy. His shoulder length hair had been pulled back into a ponytail and a makeup headband was on his head. Glitter seemed to cover his face completely, though it didn't hide his scowl.

"I was bored without you two to annoy so I made Shiggy let me give him a makeover." Toga explained after seeing Katsuki studying her masterpiece. "Correction. She annoyed me until I gave in. I practically signed my life away when I agreed." Sigaraki grumbled, "and she's making me keep this crap on for at least 15 minutes. I'm scrubbing my face once that's up. Don't agree to anything she asks anymore this was inhuman."

"We're literally villains and you call that inhuman?" Toga questioned as Shiggy plopped onto the worn out couch. "Yes!"

Katsuki shook his head and smiled. "Hey kid, ready to get beat at MarioKart?" Shigaraki asked, turning his head to look at Katsuki with a Switch controller in hand. The teen nodded, hopping over the couch to sit on the ground. He grabbed a controller, preparing to hit Shiggy with every item possible in the game.

Hey!! Tysm for reading the 4th part to my story! So sorry it's taken me this long to continue, life has been crazy, but I hope your enjoying the story so far! Have a good day and stay safe ❤️

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