Season 1 Ep. 2: Alone

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TW: Violence

Katsuki managed to survive for a week or two, loosing track of how long it'd been. He'd found a brown jacket laying on the street, something that'd been abandoned too, and claimed it as his. Katsuki waited until night to search for food, but many nights had to go hungry. When he didn't get any food, Katsuki would stay up, staring at the few stars he could see through the city lights, imagining what it'd be like to be a star.

All they had to do was twinkle and shine. Katsuki wished he only had to do that.

Eventually, Katsuki had made a bit of a home in his alleyway, stashing his few belongings in a crappy cardboard box. He got a bit better at finding food, though he still went hungry most days. Katsuki refused to steal, so it was the best he could do.

Sadly, his 'fortune' couldn't last forever. One night, a group of men, looking just as bad as Katsuki, walked past his alleyway. They spotted him, and decided a defenseless kid is who they were going to steal from.

The gang advanced, trapping Katsuki in a small circle. He tried to use his quirk, only getting a small spark out of the attempt. Katsuki's body wasn't getting enough energy to activate his quirk.

"Leave me alone!" Katsuki yelled, though it came out more of a squeak. The gang smirked, a few members activating their quirks. One man with a breath quirk blew out a breath of air. Any normal human would've accomplished nothing, but with the man's quirk, his breath was heightened in strength. Katsuki was pushed back, causing him to stumble into one of the gang members behind him. The man pushed him to the ground, laughing before beginning to kick Katsuki. The rest of the group joined in, acting like it was a sport. All Katsuki could do was curl into a ball in an attempt to protect himself, though it was no use.

One member landed a kick on Katsuki's head, sending his vision spiraling. Had he been standing, Katsuki surely would've collapsed. The gang decided they'd had enough, and turned to stealing. One man bent down, shouting at Katsuki "Where's ya stuff?!"

"B-box.." Katsuki managed to whisper, terrified the gang would continue their assault if he didn't tell them. He tasted something metallic, swallowing it down with a cough as the gang searched the few boxes in the alley. They soon found Katsuki's small stash, grabbing everything. One member walked back over to Katsuki, giving him one last kick, laughing as the teen yelped, before following his fellow gang members out of the alleyway.

Katsuki lay on the cold ground, willing himself not to cry. He felt so weak. Why couldn't he have done more? He just let them take everything.

Katsuki eventually crawled over to where his stash had been, feeling tears well up as he saw nothing was left. He sat next to where his things had been, pulling his knees to his chest. Katsuki could already feel bruises forming all over his body.

Why was he so weak? Why could he never do anything right? Why was he so useless?

Katsuki finally let his tears spill over, sobs shaking his entire body as he felt the floodgates burst. Did he really deserve this? Everyone on the street seemed to think so.

Katsuki could feel their stares day in and day out as the civilians passed by. They all seemed to think the same thing. The boy deserved to be there. Maybe he'd gotten into some bad stuff, or ran away? Maybe he was just homeless. No matter what they thought, they all passed him by. No one ever wanted to help the dirty looking teenager.

Katsuki felt and knew, he was completely alone. Abandoned by his mom, and abandoned by the world too.

The teen ended up crying himself to sleep that night, grateful for sleep's numb embrace. He didn't want to feel or think. He just wanted everything to stop.

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