Before you read...

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Hello! Thank you so much for reading my story! Here are a few things I wanted to mention before you start reading:

• In this AU, Mitsuki is abus!ve towards Bakugou, which may be triggering to some readers. Please don't feel obligated to continue reading if this is something you're not comfortable with! (There will be TWs on the chapters that mention abuse)

• I will not be shipping any characters for this story, all the relationships are purely platonic (unromantic)

• This AU is also in video form on my YouTube channel, where I post GC videos for the au. Feel free to watch those first, or after you read, though watching them first can spoil the story!

• Please don't criticize me if I misspell the names, as most if not all are Japanese.

• And lastly, please don't be too harsh with me, as this is my first serious story on Wattpad!

Now, onto the story!

Villain or Hero? | Katsuki MHA AUWhere stories live. Discover now