Season 1 Ep. 9: Court

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(Really quick, I apologize if this is not at all accurate to any type of court. I've tried to do my research but I'm not too familiar with how court hearings in Japan or America work. This is also a very dialogue heavy chapter, so if you want a quick run down there's one at the end. Keep that in mind as you read, Thank you!)

TW: Talk of Child Abvse

"All rise." The Bailiff called into the room.

Sounds of shuffling feet and chairs scraping the floor filled the air as the Judge walked out to her desk. Taking her seat, she called for everyone else to do so as well.

"Your Honor," The Bailiff turned to the Judge, "today's case is Katsuki Bakugo versus Mitsuki Bakugo."

The Judge nodded, looking to the Prosecutor's table, "Is Prosecution ready?"

"Yes, Your Honor." Mr Sadao, Katsuki's Lawyer said as he stood up briefly, soon sitting back down.

"Is Defense ready?" The Judge looked to the Defense's table.

"Yes Your Honor." The Defense Lawyer stood up, sitting back down soon after.

Mr Sadao stood again, straightening his suit jacket. "Your Honor, my name is Kagawa Sadao, and I represent Katsuki Bakugo in this case. We intend to prove that, as a young child, he was repeatedly assaulted, both mentally and physically, by his mother, Mitsuki Bakugo, and later abandoned by her."

Mr Sadao sat down again as the Defense Lawyer stood. "Your Honor, I am Ban Hisoka, and I represent Mitsuki Bakugo in this case. We intend to prove that she is innocent of these accusations, and that her son, Katsuki Bakugo, abused her."

Katsuki's head snapped over to look at his mother, sitting there silently, like nothing had happened. She was really saying he'd hurt her?

"Thank you Prosecution and Defense. Prosecution, you may call your first witness." The Judge said.

"Thank you, Your Honor," Mr Sadao stood, bowing his head slightly. "I call to the stand Isuku Mydoria."

"Will the Witness please stand to be sworn in by the Bailiff."

Isuku stood from his previous seat and made his way to the witness chair, turning around to face the rest of the court room.

"Please raise your right hand. Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" The bailiff asked Isuku, who responded. "I do" before taking his seat.

Another man spoke, "Hello. Please state your name for the Court."

"Isuku Mydoria."

"Thank you. Mr Mydoria, we understand you had childhood relations with Mr Bakugo," Katsuki tensed at the use of his last name, "Would you please detail how you have known him through the years?"

"Yes sir. Me and Kac- sorry, Katsuki, were.. friends when we were young. About 3 or 4 years old I think? We went to school together and I've known him since."

"Did you notice any behavioral changes with Mr Bakugo during Preschool?"

"No sir I- well, not preschool sir. When we got to second grade he started acting.. more violent. He'd been a bit mean since I'd met him but he was a toddler, y'know? But he started hurting me.. which I totally don't hold against him given what I know now, it was what he did to survive."

"I assume you're talking about the child abuse allegations?"

"Yes sir."

"Right. When Mr Bakugo disappeared, what exactly happened? What was said by Mrs Bakugo?"

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