Chapter 7

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Josephine POV

I was laying on Nash on his bed when I felt my phone vibrating in my hand. I looked down to see a now caller ID, I answered it.

Nash POV

Joey got a call and about 30 seconds after she answered it she started silently panicking. I thought something was wrong, she thanked the person on the other line and hung up. She looked at me, "well?!!" I hurried her to tell me what was going on. "IM TOURING WITH SHAWN!!!" She screamed and started jumping. "oh my gosh holy shit! When?!" I said running towards her and picking her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I spun her around. We leave tomorrow for a month " she told me. "Oh" I quietly commented, resting my head into her chest. She smelt so good, we hadn't left my room all day and she still smelt amazing. I looked up to see that her face has changed from super excited to totally devastated. "Whats wrong" I asked her, putting her down on my bed. "I don't want to leave you for a month. We only have 3 weeks left of summer break and I want to spend it with you" she said, her voice started to shake. "It's ok! I'll call you everyday. You'll have so much fun with shawn, you'll be able to sing with him on stage! And the second you get home your mine again!" I re assured her. She nodded her head. We laid back down in my bed. We just laid their and hugged for a while, then we drive to Joeys house and me and cam helped her pack. When we had finished packing it was about 9:30pm. Joey had to get up at 2am so she needed to sleep. "Baby lets go to bed, you need sleep" I said grabbing her hand and practically dragging her up the stairs. We went into to Cam's room to say goodnight, Joey wanted to lay with him for a bit so I laid in our bed and waited up for her. She came in half an hour later, "sorry babe, I wanted to wait for cam to fall asleep" Joe said smiling at me. She took of her shorts and crop top. She put on one of my over sized tees and climbed into bed,snuggling into my chest.
"Goodnight Nashy" Joe said in the cute sleepy voice she does.
"Goodnight baby girl". She kissed me on the nose.
Josephine POV

I woke up from my beauty sleep at 2am, which was horrible. I didn't want to wake Nash up just yet so I went into the bathroom that was connected to my room. I turned the shower on and hoped in. I got out and got dressed. I went into the bathroom to do some lose curls in my hair, I reached down to grab my make up when I heard a voice coming from behind me.
"You don't need makeup. Your perfectly fine with out it". I glanced in the mirror to see Nash leaning against the door frame, squinting his eyes because the lights were so bright.
"Fine I won't wear any, but just for you" I said back to him. He walked over and put his arms around my waist hugging me tightly. I zipped up my make up bag and carried it along with my curler to my suitcase. We woke up Cameron since he wanted to come to the airport.
When we got there I saw shawn in the flight waiting room, we went and sat with him. Our flight got called, I stood up and hugged cam, kissing him on the cheek telling him I love him. I then turned to face Nash, who already had a tear rolling down his face. I hugged him and he picked up my legs and I wrapped them around his waist. "I love you so much! Don't ever forget it Joey" he whispered in my ear as a tear fell down my face and landed on his collar bone. "I love you too baby" I said whilst he put me down and kissing me more passionately then ever.
"I hate to the ruin the moment but we need to go Joe!" Shawn called form the gate. I looked up at Nash and kissed him once again. I ran over to Shawn and walked onto the plane. Shawn looked over to me and smiled, "lets do this" I said smiling back at him.


I'm excited to write about what happens on the tour :)

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