__ A Not So Swift Recovery __

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One was lying down in a hospital bed. Tari was right. She did say she would call a hospital. The wound in his chest had a bloody bandage on it, and so did his right antenna, since it shattered when he hit the wall when Tari shot him. He was still alive thankfully, the heart monitor beeping every 1.5 seconds. And it seems like he's going to wake up anytime soon.


Or right now. Yeah. That works too. One opened his eyes as he tried to remember what just happened. 01-748? Tari shooting him? Possession? He remembered The possession part fairly well. He just laid there, taking deep breaths as he stayed calm. Then, he heard the door to his room open and close. "One!" Tari said. "I'm so glad you're awake!" She gave him a hug as she smiled, her eyebrows looking sad though. "T-Tari?" One stuttered. "Wha... What happened?" "Oh, well, it's hard to explain, but I think you got possessed and you kind of carved a zero in my arm and I accidentally shot you in self-defense.." Tari explained, her eyes pointing to the floor.

"Ooh.. I understand now. No need to feel guilty though, it was in self defense though.." One accepted her apology. He knew extremely well that she was sorry, and he knew she was happy by the way her eyes looked. "Hey uh... Is... One in here?" One heard a little voice say. That voice sounded familiar.
Shockingly familiar. "Y-Yeah, he's in here. He just woke up by the way." Tari explain to a little voice. Then One saw a little small yellow thing come to the room.

And that thing was SMG2, someone close to him.

"Oh my goodness, One!! I'm so glad you're okay!" Two said, tears welling up in his eyes because of how happy he was. He was terrified the entire day that One could have died from his injuries, but he didn't. "Yep... That's me, the lucky old survivor..." One replied, as Two just hugged him. After two calmed down, he placed One in a wheelchair and drove him to his room. One could overhear Tari talking to her online friends about the incident. He then sat down in his bed.

"All right, just remember though." Two said. "If your legs are not responding, you can use the wheelchair to get around." "Thanks, man." One thanked, as he got comfortable in his bed. "No prob!" Two said, walking out of the room. One was ready to go to bed, it was 11:00 p.m. on a Friday night, it sure as hell was time to go to bed.


But wait. 01. How is he going to sleep knowing that 01 is in his body now? One just stared at the ceiling completely awake until he just fell asleep, 2 hours later at 2:30 a.m.

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