__ Aftermath __

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It's over. It's finally over. 01 was tied to a cross. "...Øh gød damnit..." 01 whispered, realizing what he's about to experience. "...Damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit..." He whispered again. A black hooded figure walked up to him, holding a torch. "...D...Did I dø a gøød jøb?" 01 asked. "Did I kill that stupid legø and his dumb friends?" "...I think you did." The hooded figure said. "They look like they're dead." "...Well... at least... at least this wøn't be før nøthing..." 01 said. "Welp. Time for the execution." The figure said, throwing the torch at the cross 01 was up against. The cross was, thus, set alight, as 01 started screaming in agony, feeling his body burn. Ohms, Polka and Belum was seen in his burning vision. The final thing 01 felt was Ohms, his mom, kissing him on the forehead and Polka and Belum hugging him, before they faded away. Once it's all over, the figure examined what they just did. They've burned this demon who've caused a whole lot of damage and problems and chaos to death. This was it.

This was the end of 01.





Meggy stood there, completely stunned. What she's seeing right now is almost damn near identical to what she saw when SMG0 was defeated, once and for all. The meme guardians and Mario, lying down unconscious with tari, Melony and Bob, sitting down. "...What the...? What... what happened...?" Meggy said, trying not to freak the hell out. "...Well... we heard some screaming and then... then we saw that Two got possessed." Tari explained. "Then... well... these demons were about to kill mario, three and four, so me, melony and Bob ran into stop them." "Then One got up and delivered the final blow, and completely exploded the basement." Melony finished. "It'S pReTtY iNsAnE, nOt GoNnA lIe." Bob concluded. "Well, let's just be thankful that Mario wasn't hurt too much..." Meggy said, running up to Mario, who just woke up. "Ugh... yeah-a..." Mario groaned. "Ow... my head..." SMG4 groaned, holding his head. Three followed him in waking up soonly after. "Four! Three!" Melony said, running up to the two guardians, hugging them. "Thank goodness you guys are okay!!" She said, beaming with joy.

"...Wait a moment." Tari said, ruining the moment. "What about SMG1 and SMG2?" "...Oh. Oh no." Flashbacks about what happened before they were knocked unconscious slapped Four across the face. Two was possessed, he got his ass handed to him by the possessed guardian and then one let out a war cry as he completely demolished the basement with his meme powers.

...Oh god.

"...One! Two!" Four said, running up to the two unconscious guardians. SMG2 had a massive burn mark on his leg and arm, they looked similar to SMG1's missing texture marks. One had burn marks on both of his palms, from pushing his meme guardian powers past its limits to kill 01 and his family. "...Uh... hey..." Four said. "I... I don't know if you guys can hear me... but I'm sorry. Two, I'm sorry for just letting you get possessed by that now dead Ohms thing. I was dumb there... yeah... and One? I'm so sorry for not being there when you first got possessed." Four could basically feel tears sting at his eyes as he apologized to the unconscious toys. "And... the fact this even happened in the first place is just devastating... like... I hope just one day, one single day, that the world wouldn't attack us with chaos and madness... for one single day... god..." Four then hugged the two, as he finally broke down sobbing. This entire situation was slowly sapping Four out of his happiness, but this? This was the final mental straw that threw him into a breakdown. Not as bad as his "It's Gotta Be Perfect" breakdown, but still. At this moment, all he wanted was for the two toys to wake up and tell him it's okay. That's all he wanted right now. Just please... both of you... One... Two... wake up... please... please, just wake up...




"...Ugh..." "...N-Nfh..."

Two grunts suddenly snapped Four out of his crying fit. Not completely out of his breakdown, that just stopped him from crying for now. "One! Two!" Tari ran up to the three. So did Melony, Mario, Bob, Meggy and SMG3. One and Two, almost at the same time, opened their eyes. "...F-Four...?" An injured and very, very tired SMG2 said. "...Oh my god! You're both okay!!" Four said, pretty much giving the two toys the tightest hugs they've had in a while. His wish for them to wake up finally came true! "Great, they're okay-a!" Mario said, joining the hug. So did Melony, Tari, Meggy and Bob. "Well. Another group huh wouldn't hurt anyone." Three shrugged, as he, too, joined the group hug. "Mm... I'm so glad 01 and his family are g-gone now." One said. "I agree." Four said. "Now we don't have to deal with them anymore." "...Anyways, Mario's gonna go eat some spaghetti." Mario said, walking off. Well, he does what he wants, I guess.


Three months.

It has been three months since the 01 incident.

Everyone involved in these tough times still haven't forgotten it, even after three months. SMG1 knew it would be one hell of a time to get his mental state back on track after having to deal with a demon that could destroy the world at any given opportunity, and he's still trying to fix his shattered mental state, but he's been way happier than normal. SMG2, on the other hand, is certainly not forgetting getting Possessed by Ohms and blasting his brother's hand off. Three and Four both gave the two little toys roses to cover their demon inflicted injuries. And Mario? He's just mario, the situation didn't really affect him that badly other than almost getting him killed in the family brawl.

But, the best this group can do is try to forget. 01 and his family are all in the past. They can no longer hurt them. They are dead, deader than dead. And with 01 and his family dead and almost everything returning back to normal, I think it's time for me to finally say...


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