__ Hanging Out with 01 __

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Living with 01 is not easy

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Living with 01 is not easy. He's annoying, he's dangerous, he's insane. One was slowly starting to give up with dealing with him. Drinking wine caused him to take over and cause an entire ruckus that landed both him and three in the hospital. Smoking caused him to take over and stab Four. And now he has fucking family members? FAMILY MEMBERS?! How could this get any worse?! Well, if he takes over one more time, he's done. He's actually going to try to get rid of him if he takes over one more god-forsaken time.

And he means it.

Okay, okay. Calm down, One. Calm down. Let's try to forget about him for now. How about you go hang out with Wimpu, Melony and Tari? You haven't interacted with them in a long while. Yeah! Let's go do that! So, at 12:45 A.M, One put on an oversized hoodie and snook out of the house instead of sleeping, leaving the rest of the guardians completely oblivious of him escaping.


Tari and Melony recently moved into Wimpu's house, because mainly, they didn't feel safe alone. Well, if you live in a world where 01 exists, then you have pretty much every reason to be scared alone. Wimpu did not mind though, as long as he was with two girls, he was fine! Sure, they're not Sakio, but hey! That doesn't really matter! Wimpu heard a knock on the door while he was just being himself and Melony and Tari were watching and showing each other funny videos. He opens the door calmly. "Hello?" Wimpu asked. Standing between him and the door was SMG1. "Hey..." One said, walking inside. "Oh! Hello, One!" Melony said. Awh, Melony. This sweet, innocent girl. Even after the party incident, she still has that sweet little innocence in her. "So... Can I come inside?" One asked. "Of course!" Wimpu smiled. One walked inside, closing the door behind him. "So, what brings you here?" Tari asked. "Well... I just wanted to get out of my house for a little while." One replied. "It does get a little tiring sleeping in your own room every day!"

"That's understandable!" Melony smiled. "I sometimes take breaks out of my dorm too!" "Øh, perfect!" 01 started. God damn it. What does he want now? "It seems like yøu've taken us tø this anime løser's høuse!" One simply ignored him. Because like, really, there was no way he's listening to him. Even when he's one body takeover away from getting rid of him completely. "So, what do you guys want to do?" Tari asked. "Hmmm... I think we could play some video games." Melony suggested. Video games? One hasn't played video games in a long time, he really wants to play them again. "Oh! Yeah, let's do that!" One said, happy. Wimpu and Tari agreed. And so, the four friends spent the next 2 hours or so playing video games. Eventually though, it was 4:00 a.m. and everyone was tired now.

"Night, guys." One said, getting comfy on the couch. He was going to sleep on Wimpu's couch tonight. "Night, SMG1!" Wimpu said, walking up to his room. 5:00 a.m. came and 01 was planning on doing a little bit of trolling. Since SMG1 is asleep right now, he can take over right now! So he does just that and gets up. "Heheh. I think Tari wøuld løøk a løt better with anøther cut øn her arm..~" 01-1 whispered to themself, as they picked up a knife. They slowly walked into Tari's room, rolled up her sleeve and carved a Ø into her other arm. Thankfully for 01, Tari didn't notice because she was in such a deep slumber that she couldn't feel anything. All she gave out was a little flinch and a little worried expression. Satisfied, 01-1 walked back downstairs and got back into his position.

Morning time came and Tari was, well, more than freaked out when she saw what happened to her arm. Melony and Wimpu tended to her injuries via liquid bandages and bandages. But OH BOY, One was far from happy when he found out what 01 did. He gave him way too many chances, and he does this as a thank you message?! Yep, that's it. He had enough. This was the final goddamn straw.

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