__ A Battle Of the Demons __

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"...Uh, guys?" Four asked. "Since when did eyes appear in these black corners..?" Three, Two and One all looked at the corner Four pointed at and fear stabbed One and hit him like a wrecking ball. That... That can't be 01's family... They're just from dreams... "*Sigh* ...Alright... I think... I think that could just be some people playing a prank on-" "A prank?" Ohms instantly dashed out of her hiding spot. So did Polka and Belum. "What wᴑuld make yᴑu think this was a prank?" Polka said. "Bec∆use ∆s much ∆s you w∆nt to tell yourself this isn't re∆l, it is." Belum finished. "Wait... Who the hell are all of you??" Three asked, pointing at Ohms, Polka and Belum. "Oh... Well, I'm Mother Ohms, or 02, and that's 03 and 04, my grandparents." Ohms explained. "Ya knᴑw, what y'all did tᴑ ᴑur grandsᴑn was pretty fucked up, ya knᴑw?" Polka said. "Yeah. You guys basically evicted him out of his preys body. How else is he going to grow and mature now?" Ohms finished. "Well, we have to evict him for a reason." Four said back. "He was literally making SMG1's life a living hell, and he was just a danger around everyone."

One, on his behalf, was straight up sweating. Oh nonono. They're not real. 01's family members are not real. This has to be a nightmare. At any moment now... He'll wake up and everything will go back to normal. 01 wouldn't be in his body anymore. He keeps thinking to himself. But that's when 01 barged out of another corner. "Øhhøhøh. Remember when I said yøur friends had tø fight bløød, sweat and tears tø get me tø leave? Well, this is what I meant!" 01 said to One. "Seems like my møther and grandparents want my rights back." One kept his eyes closed tightly. He's not real. He's not fucking real... "Hey, back off!" Two said to 01. "You're scaring my brother!" "Awwh, what we have here? The yelløw piss ball whø cried like a little baby when his big brøther was in the høspital after he BLASTED HIS ARM ØFF?" 01 said to Two, instantly reminding him of the party incident. Two was frightened, but he wasn't going to cry that easily. "M∆n, he sounds p∆thetic." Belum replied. "Wh-hey! I'm not pathetic!" Two snapped at Belum.

"Hmmmm... Not pathetic you say?" Ohms replied. "Because, well... You sound and look pathetic. Let's put the puzzle together." Ohms smacked down Two. "Hey! Two doesn't deserve that!" Four said to Ohms. "Yeah! You demon guys are weird!!" Three added. "... *sigh* I don't have time for this shit." Ohms said back, clearly tired and rolling her eyes. Swiftly, she summons minions of her own and uses them to latch onto three and fours neck and choke them. "!!! THREE!! FOUR!!" Two shouted, feeling tears strike at their eyes." "ᴑh, stᴑp with that." Polka said. One could feel his breath get faster and shakier. Three and Four are NOT getting strangled. Two is NOT crying. It's all a nightmare. Just a nightmare... "Ugh. This is getting us nøwhere..." 01 interrupted what was going on. "Møther, can yøu please take øver this piss balls bødy we can make this much easier?" 01 asked Ohms. Ohms simply giggled. "With pleasure, my son." She said back, smiling. Oh no. NononononoNO. "W-WAIT!!" Two shouted, holding his little hands up in the air. But... Ohms did not give him a chance to defend himself, and simply dived head first into his torso, making him fall over and unleash a scream of agony.

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