__ Smokes and Stabs __

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Everything felt so uncomfortable after that party incident

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Everything felt so uncomfortable after that party incident. One couldn't sleep at night because of 01 reciting the entire Bee movie script to him and just overall being an absolute menace. It was really starting to take a serious toll on him. But he managed to keep in his inner feelings so nobody else except for the other guardians would worry for him. He's struggling, I know. Anyways, one day, One, just like the party incident, was thinking about ways to execute 01 and get him out of his body once and for all. He already said no to exorcism, because it's too dangerous and it could possibly kill him. He already said no to holy water because he had no damn idea where you would even get it. But... He didn't say anything about drugs yet.

Back at the party, he did drink some wine, pissing off 01 a little. Maybe if he begins smoking, this demon will die from the smoke and he will be freed once and for all! One searched in his drawers to find a lighter and a cigarette and conveniently enough, he found one! "0h g0ddamnit, I was praying he didn't have any drugs in this r00m." 01 complained. One simply ignored him as he lit the cigarette, put it in his mouth and smoked. "...Well shit." 01 said, disappointed. "N0w it's g0nna be even harder t0 c0ntr0l this Leg0 dude." "I mean, you're technically the reason I started doing this, soooo..." One snarked.

01 was just not happy, and him being the hater he is, he decided if One was going to act like this, then he was just going to take over again. "...Alright y0u c0cky s0n 0f a fuck, y0u asked f0r it." 01 spoke, as he took over again in a swift movement. However, since the cigarettes were taking effect, 01-1 had slight trouble walking. It was annoying to him, but not really. What mattered though is what 01 was planning to do as payback for One smoking just to intimidate him. 01-1 spotted a knife. They picked it up and knew just what to do with it...

Four was sitting down on the floor, watching videos. "Perfect... Time t0 sh0w this... Meme maker... Wh0's b0ss." 01-1 whispered. He sneaked up behind Four, but before he could see what was behind him...



Four letted out a hiss of pain, followed by the knife dropping. One quickly snapped out of his possessed state to notice what 01 just made him do. He gasped and covered his mouth. Dear God. "...Did..." Four stuttered, scared. "...Did... Did someone just stab me?" He whispered. "..." One, like many times before, was speechless. Is this his punishment for smoking? For someone to just punish him by forcing him to stab his fellow guardian? "I... I'm so sorry..." One said, frantically looking for a Band-Aid. "...F-For what?" Four asked. "01... He... He took over after I smoked... A cigarette..." One explained, putting the Band-Aid on Four's back. "And... Yeah... I'm so sorry." One apologized again, hugging Four.

"It's... It's okay, dude." Four replied, rubbing his back. "If... If that demon takes over again... You can tell us." Four explained. "I've experienced getting stabbed before... You don't have to worry about it. I can walk this off." Four proudly stated. "...Thank god for that..." One replied. "And yeah, I will tell the other guardians when 01 takes over. And... If Two and Three find out... Tell them you tripped on a twig..." "Right, good. I'm going to go to bed now." Four said, with a thumbs up, as he walked off to his room. "Night, man.." One said. He was worried about how Two and Three would react. Anger? Fear? Sadness? God he's too overstimulated right now. He's going to go to bed too.

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