__ A Party-Crashing Aftermath __

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Welcome back to the hospital, viewers

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Welcome back to the hospital, viewers. This was One's second time here. And Three had to come to the hospital as well because 01's minions gave him a concussion, thanks a lot you devilish little good for nothing brats. Anyways, One's blasted off arm was replaced with a spare one, and he had a good old cast over it. Four and Two were standing by the hospital door. Two was still majorly upset by what happened yesterday. His brother, his own brother, was possessed by a demon and he had to blast his arm off... He could have killed him, but he couldn't. He's his brother. He can't just kill him. 01 was still completely conscious, just sitting there in One's mind. "...Wow. I did amazing back there. Such a shame I didn't kill anyone, but at least I knocked out almost everyone and gave someone a concussion." 01 said. "I mean, I wonder how my mother would react to this news. I haven't seen her in a long time... And maybe, JUST maybe... I can tell Grandma and Grandpa too."


One woke up with a gasp. He quickly shot up, clenching his chest with his one good arm, breathing heavily. He's trying to remember what the hell happened before he had to take his second trip to the hospital. 01 taking control again? A party? ...HIS FREAKING ARM GETTING BLAST OFF??? He knew he should not have gone to that party. He knew he shouldn't have. And it's all 01's fault. The door was opened. Four and Two walked out of the door. "...Hey..." Two started, staring at the ground. "...Two...?" One noticed how upset Two was. "..." Two said nothing. "...Hey... It's... It's okay... I'm still alive. I can shake this off! I've survived getting squeezed, blasted, and... stuff... I can survive this!" One said, trying to look happy, even though it was clear he wasn't okay. Two walked up to him and hugged him, tears falling down his face. "...I... I... I'm sorry...!" Two sobbed. "I... I shouldn't have blasted your arm off...! I was so scared... so terrified... I didn't know what to do back there...!!"

One put his good hand on Two's head in a comforting way. "Hey dude... It's not your fault... I mean... that... demon... is at fault, because.. he took over at the worst time possible." One said. Four's ears picked up One blaming 01. But he didn't say anything. "I... I know but... but..." Two sobbed. "...Ghhh..." Three groaned as he was regaining consciousness. Two and One stopped as they noticed Three waking up. "Oh!" Four said, walking up to Three. "Alright... where's this internet graveyard owner? Where is he?" Four said, rubbing his hands together as Three opened his eyes. "Oh! Th...There he is!" One said. "...Mm? Wh... What... What happened?" Three asked, with a confused look on his face. "Well... you were knocked out by some small 01 minions..." One said, getting out of his bed and walking to Three. "Wh... 01 minions? What are those?" Three asked. Oh. Lovely. It's time for One to finally spill the beans. He just can't keep in the fact that he's possessed any longer. These are the guardians we're talking about. And so... he did. He spilled the beans.

"Well... you guys see... a few weeks ago, I was experimenting on this thing called 01-748. And I kept him behind some glass walls. I noticed him trying to break out and I tried to stop him but, I failed. And he rammed into my back and possessed me. Then Tari shot me in fear and... my life has just been hell ever since. Countless nights of sleep... living in constant fear... y'know Four, the reason I hid behind those bushes in the park is because 01 was taking over. I wasn't just gonna let him freaking hurt you and Mario! I... yeah... all of that yesterday... was because of 01. But I can shake this off... this stupid arm... yeah..."

Four, Three and Two were all speechless. A demon took over One's body...? Two already knew, but that. That. That didn't make the pain of his own brother hurt less. "Yeah... I'm speechless too." One replied to the stunned silence. Suddenly, without warning, Two gave One a massive hug, so did Four. "Dude, we are so sorry to hear that." Four said. "It's pretty bad enough to get possessed, and I just feel bad for ya." Three got out of his bed and joined the group hug. "...*sniff*" One was beginning to tear up. Not because of the hugging, no, far from that, just an... overexposer to happiness. "Th-Thanks, guys.." One said, hugging all of them back. Such a wholesome guardian reunion. 01 found this reunion disgusting, but he didn't say anything.

"Uh... One? I don't think people are supposed to hug for this long." Three said. "Just a little longer?" One replied, smiling. Smiling. Well, I guess this hug can go on for a little longer then.

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