__ Family Reunion __

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Everyone has them from time to time. Nightmares can either be very terrifying or outright upsetting. One, to nobody's surprise, has been experiencing very violent and terrifying nightmares ever since 01 took over his body. Sometimes he would wake up, sweating and scared. Other times he'd fling himself out of bed with a yelp. Things were not going well for him. So unwell, that he's thought about wearing a hoodie so no one would have to see his self defense blast wounds anymore. It does sound pretty comfy though... Anyways, One decided to go to sleep after 01 made him stab Four. He didn't want to think about Three and Two's reactions. So, he closed his eyes and drifted off into a slumber...




One spawned where he always spawned in these nightmares. Laying stomache first on the grey ground. He swiftly got up. "...Alright, 01." He said, exhausted. "Let's just get this over with." On cue, 01 moved into frame. "Get this øver with, yøu say?" He said. "Yeah." One replied, waiting for what goofy antics 01 was gonna pull. "Tehehehe, alright! Sø, I've invited søme special guests før this møment!" 01 explained. "...Special guests?" One asked. "What special guests?" "Øhøhø... let's just say that all three of these guests are related tø me." 01 replied, drifting off into the darkness. One patiently waited for 01 to come back with the special guests. And sure enough... he did. "Alright, legø dude! I want yøu meet my møther, Ohms, or 02-976, my grandma, Polka, or 03-187 and my grandpa, Belum, or 04-298!" 01 proudly announced, as Ohms, Polka and Belum came into the scene.

"...Eugh." Ohms spoke. "It looks so tiny." "I'm cᴑnfused, why dᴑes he lᴑk like that??" Polka questioned. "It looks p△thetic, fr△nkly." Belum commented. "Yep, that's the guy I'm pøssessing at the møment, SMG1." 01 claimed. "SMG1...? That kind of sounds similar to your name, dear." Ohms claimed. "I agree. Is he related tᴑ us?" Polka asked. "Well, he isn't, actually." 01 answered. "In fact, he, frankly, løøks like he gøt squished in an accident." 01 commented. "You're not wrong. He does look like th△t." Belum replied. "...H-Hold on." One said, confused and scared. "T...These are your relatives??" "Yøu bet yøur sweet hat they are!" 01 said back. "Isn't it obvious?" Ohms added. "W-Wait, if your mom, grandma and Grandpa are here, then... What happened to your dad??" One ask, confused and straight up stressed. 01 paused for a bit. "Hmmm... This is gønna be interesting to explain." 01 said.

One was not prepared for the story 01 and Ohms was about to tell.

".... Ønce upøn a time, my møm was børn a very løng time agø." 01 started. "Her parents, 03 and 04 wanted her tø marry sømeøne, and they føund sømeøne whø recently spawned in this place knøwn as hell. This guy was Dale." "It was hate on first sight when I saw him." Ohms continued. "Mainly because he looked ugly, had a bad personality and he got in for the dumbest reason, he accidentally murdered someone! So my parents..." "That's us." Polka piped in. "...Wanted me to marry him. I was going to disagree at first, but then I realized that... He might be kind of tasty. So I agreed. And then, we got married." "And abøut 6 mønths later, I, 01, was børn!!" 01 continued. "This Dale guy was scared øf me, and I'm pretty sure he had every right tø be! Sø... Abøut 4 years later, me and Møm planned øn døing this very funny prank øn him." "Yeah, and so the prank was put into action and we ATE him! Finally!! I finally got what I wanted to do to him!!" Ohms continued, freaking enthusiastic. "Me ∆nd Polk∆ overs∆w wh∆t happened, ∆nd I d-don't think I bl∆me Ohms for wh∆t she did there." Belum said. "Yeah, his cᴑward persᴑnality kind ᴑf pissed me ᴑff. I ᴑnly suggested they wᴑuld get married because I thᴑught it wᴑuld be funny tᴑ watch my daughter kill him." Polka admitted.

"Awh mom, this is why I always call you the best mom ever, and dad, you're also amazing." Ohms said, with a smile on her face. "ANYWAYS! Knøw yøu knøw what happened tø my dad, and a bit øf my øwn family history." 01 concluded. One, like many times before, was stunned silent. Not only did 01 have a family, but he ate his dad with his mom??? What the fuck?? "C...C... Can..." One stuttered. "...Can I w-wake up now...? That family history is cool and all, but I kind of want to wake up now." "Dehehehe, alright, yøu can wake up nøw!" 01 concluded.

And so, he did.

One didn't wake up with a yelp, but he just woke up with his eyes shooting open. He just stared at the ceiling, processing the dream he just had. Oh, there's nothing to worry about. It was just a nightmare. You've had plenty of nightmares before. It's not like 01's family was actually real, right?


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