__ My Favorite Ritual __

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"...And just when I thought nothing could go wrong, this goddamn demon makes me stab Tari... AGAIN."

One was ranting about what happened last night to the other guardians... and Mario. "That's-a rough." Mario said. "I agree... Poor you and Tari." Four said. "Well, you know what? I'm done with this demon." One said. "He's been in my body for long enough, and he's caused enough damage! But the question is... How can I get him out?" He asked. "Hmm..." Three began to think, while petting his eggdog. One, while waiting, was really thinking about the ritual now. He said no to it in the past, because he thought it would be too dangerous. But, if he wants 01 out of his body, then he would literally do the most dangerous things just for him to leave at this very moment. "How bout a ritual? I know you've said no to it in the past, but, that's the first thing I thought in my head." Three said. Oh. I guess we are doing the ritual after all. "...Okay. Let's do it." One said. So the guardians got prepared to exorcist 01 out of Ones body. They had to wear cross necklaces around their necks. That's one of the more crucial things of exorcism when it comes to the 01 bloodline. Mario couldn't come along because it was most likely that he would screw everything up.

While One was walking to the basement, he passed by a mirror and saw... 01-1. "Hey, pal." It spoke. "Where are yøu gøing?" "...I'm getting you out of me once and for all." One said, bitterly. "...Øh. It's gønna be like that, isn't it?" 01-1 said. "Well, I'll tell yøu what, I am nøt leaving yøu withøut a fight. Yøur friends and guardians are gønna have tø fight bløød, sweat and tears tø get me øut. If yøu think I'm just gøing tø leave that easily, then yøu are wrøng." After that speech, 01-1 vanished. One just grumbled as he went into the basement. Four uncovered a wooden board. He took it out and placed it on the wall. "Alright, SMG1. Get on!" Four said. One did as he was told and got on the board, with Four strapping him down. Now, to get 01 out of someone's body, the person has to be possessed first. This is a very important step, since it will not work unless the person is their possessed state. "...So. I think I'm ready now." One said. Now all he has to do is let 01 take over...

...And that's what they did.

It still pains Two seeing One in this 01-1 form. But if he wants 01 out of his brother's body, then they have to do this. "...Øh, yøu're all trying tø get me øut øf this guys bødy, eh?" 01-1 spoke. "Yeah, that's why you're tied up to this wooden board." Three said. "...HahahahaHAH. Yøu guys definitely førgøt I cøuld dø this." 01-1 said, readying up their lasers. Two blocked the lasers with a metal circle, but these lasers thankfully did not bounce around. "...Look, One's tired, I'm tired, four and three are tired... Everyone's tired of you. So could you please just make this easy...?" Two said, shaking and clearly scared. "Øh, what yøu think I am? Merciful? Yøu're all gøing tø have tø fight bløød, sweat and tears tø get me tø leave." 01-1 said, the Band-Aid on their cheek falling off. "Is.. are you transforming?" Four asked 01-1. "...HAHAHAHAHAH! Øf cøurse I am! Dun dun duuunnn!! What else døes it løøk like?" 01-1 said back, their antennas growing longer and a small crack appearing on where the Band-Aid used to stay. And it almost seemed like spikes were growing out of his back... "Oh good." Three said sarcastically. "Now we have to use even more power to get you immobilized." "And what is that pøwer? The pathetic meme energy that this legø bitch used tø try tø keep me in that glass cøntainer like a dumbass?" 01-1 teased.

Three and four simply held hands and let their meme energy completely immobilize 01-1. "GAH!! D'AW, CURSES!!" 01-1 complained. "S-So, what's the next step?" Two asked. "The next step is to say '01, begone!' over and over again, until he apparently screams and leaves the body. Make sure you cover your ears when he screams though, he seems really loud..." Four whispered to Two. "Okay, I understand." Two whispered back. Now it's time to say a titular sentence over and over again... "...01, begone. 01, begone. 01, begone." The three guardians chanted. It started off quiet, and pretty weak. But, the chanting slowly got more and more powerful, as 01-1's eyes widened in fear. As the chanting got more and more powerful, 01-1 felt like he was getting ripped out of one's body. It was pretty painful for someone like him, so... There was only one thing he could do now.


With a loud scream, the basement flashed purple then red, making it clear to the three guardians that 01 rage quitted and left one's body. When it seems like the colors have died down, the first thing Two saw was One, seemingly unconscious and with his antennas now back to normal and the spikes in his back gone. "...O-One...?" Two said.


Cough, cough.

One let out a couple of coughs, before he opened his eyes. "Ugh... T-Two...? Guys...?" He said. "One! You're okay!!" Two's fear and sun is quickly shifted to excitement, as he ran over to one and hugged him.

... But before four and three had time to react, they saw eyes in one of the black corners...

And one instantly knew that oh God, 01's family was real all along... And they are not happy with the fact they chased him out of his body.

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