__ How Things Went Wrong. __

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"Hmm." A little blue square alien people call SMG1 said. "I Wonder just how powerful this thing is." He recently found a creature... No, a demon called 01-748. He just randomly found it lying on the streets... After he accidentally rammed it with a car. So he decided to put it in a big glass wall. Yeah. Anyways, One was writing down some things. It was mostly about 01, and what he knows about him so far. However, he suddenly started to hear cracks. And that could only mean one thing...

"Oh god, it's breaking out-!" SMG1 panicked. He then started using his meme powers to make sure 01-748 didn't break out. Unfortunately for him, the demon was too strong and it's strength broke the container it was in, the impact sending him into a bookcase. "*cough*... Ooww... He stuttered as he got up. He didn't notice that the demon was right behind him, and it turned spirital and rammed itself into SMG1's back. One let out a gut-wrenching scream of agony as it felt like his back was being torn out.

"...Uhhh... One?" Tari came into the room, clearly concerned on what all the screaming was about. One was hunched over on the floor, breathing heavily due to 01 just barging into his back like that. Suddenly, his skin turned darker as he felt his mind escape him. His eyes turned red and his pupils turned white and red zero was carved right next to the one in his hat. He had to warn Tari before he completely turned. He just had to. "T-Tari... Run! SAVE YOURSELF-!!" He shouted, before his mind turned. He was officially possessed now.

The newly possessed One walked up to Tari. "...One...?" She said. He wasn't talking. Instead, he just pinned her to the floor, pulled up the sleeve of her arm and started carving a zero into her arm. She held in a scream as she was in immense pain. Then, she did something she will seriously regret. She ended up shooting One to get him to stop. He was flung into a wall as one of his antennas broke. He slowly turned back into his normal appearance, except he had a bloody hole in his torso and he couldn't feel his right antenna. Before he passed out from blood loss, he heard Taris voice.

"OH SHOOT! One, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to shot you! It's just, when you were carving... that zero in my arm, it really hurt! I really hope you forgive me... I'm going to call the hospital. I'm sorry..."

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