__ A Day At the Park __

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One woke up the next morning feeling refreshed

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One woke up the next morning feeling refreshed... Until he saw what 01 has been up to. Yep. He got a little bit... Creative. He managed to draw some... Interesting drawings. Drawings about him murdering his friends. But they weren't THAT detailed, thankfully. "...Woow..." One just sighed in mild frustration. So, he decided to take his mind off things via a walk in the park.

So, One got ready and he went to the park. "Well... This looks fairly... Peaceful." One said to himself. And it did. It was very peaceful. Yeah, this park has cherry blossom trees, which are always a good sign. Everything was amazing. Suddenly, One heard some backwards wall jumping. And that could only mean one thing...

Mario was going to pay a visit in this story. And SMG4 himself too.

Mario came in with his usual "YAHOO!" noises. And SMG4 was keeping Mario on a leash. "O-Oh! Hey, One!" Four said. "Hey." One replied. "...So, what has Mario all coked up like that?" One asked Four. "Well, I'm not too sure." Four replied. "Y'know, ever since that zero incident, Mario has been getting really bouncy and hyper..." Four claimed, as Mario continued to make his goofy ahh noises. "God." 01 said. "That fat Italian is soooooo annoying." One jerked a bit upon hearing him. Nobody else could hear him, much to his horror.

"Uhm... One? Is something wrong?" Four asked him. "Uhhh... Yeah! Everything's fine!" One lied. "Yousure?" Mario butted in. "Because-a Mario sees your eyes turning red-a." One suddenly stopped in his tracks and noticed his skin turning darker. "...Oh shit... Uh... Uh... Sorry guys, but I got to go!" One said frantically, as he immediately dived into the bushes. Four and Mario just glanced at each other with looks of confusion. What's up with One today, and why was his skin turning darker?

"Dude, I have no idea what your problem is." One said. "Pssshh, come on." 01 said back. "That plumber's annoying. Plus, I feel like he would look better on fire." "...Look better on fire? What the hell are you talking about?!" One snapped. "Oh, y'know, we can just set his house on fire. It is made out of wood after all!~" 01 chimed. "... That's it. YOU ASKED FOR IT-!!" One shouted, as he began hitting himself. Four and Mario watched from the bushes as they heard screaming, yelling and a whole lot of hitting. Was something attacking one? One suddenly jumped out of the bushes, with a big old cut on his cheek.

"God... God... Oh." One noticed the two. "H-Heya..." "One! Your cheek!" Four pointed out. "Oh... Yeah yeah... It kind of hurts though..." Mario suddenly whipped a bandage out of his overalls and slapped it on One's wound. That's a pretty aggressive way to treat someone's wounds, but One didn't care. "...Thanks, Mario." One thanked. "No problem!" Mario replied, with a smile on his face.

"...III think that's enough parking for the day." Four replied. "Let's go home." And so, the three walked back to the castle. But that didn't mean 01 was satisfied either. He was just mad.

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